Home US Russia launches international manhunt for Ukrainian OnlyFans star who posed topless in Red Square amid Putin’s crackdown on ‘debauchery’

Russia launches international manhunt for Ukrainian OnlyFans star who posed topless in Red Square amid Putin’s crackdown on ‘debauchery’

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Lolita Bogdanova, 24, also known as Lola Bunny, showed her bare chest inside the Kremlin walls.
  • Onlyfans model Lolita Bogdanova, 24, aka Lola Bunny, is now on the wanted list
  • The model showed her bare chest inside the Kremlin walls in 2021

Russia has launched a bizarre global search for a Ukrainian Onlyfans model after she posed topless inside the Kremlin walls.

In the incident, which occurred on Red Square in 2021, 24-year-old Lolita Bogdanova, also known as Lola Bunny, lifted her blouse for the camera.

Although the provocative video was recorded before the war, the Russian Interior Ministry on Tuesday reportedly included her on the Kremlin’s international list of people wanted, a move that was revealed by loyalist media outlet Readovka.

At the time, her act caused a scandal because the model’s stunt was performed in front of the onion-domed St. Basil’s Cathedral, one of the holiest sites in Russia.

Bogdanova apologized for offending religious believers, but said the footage had been filmed several years earlier and uploaded by someone else.

Lolita Bogdanova, 24, also known as Lola Bunny, showed her bare chest inside the Kremlin walls.

The model's trick was in front of St. Basil's Cathedral, with its onion-shaped dome, one of the most sacred places in Russia.

The model’s trick was in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral, with its onion-shaped dome, one of the most sacred places in Russia.

She was not detained, although she signed an agreement not to leave Russia pending a full investigation.

A prominent cleric had demanded that he show “repentance.”

He is now believed to be abroad.

The model has been put on the wanted list as Russia imposes an unprecedented new push on traditional values, not seen in Putin’s first two decades in power.

The ministry has not explained why they are suddenly pursuing her.

Bogdanova is said to be wanted “under a criminal article”, without explaining the exact accusation.

She is originally from Makiivka, now in Russian-occupied Ukraine.

It comes as Russian police and security services are launching a stream of criminal cases against people considered enemies or deviants of the new orthodoxy in wartime Russia.

In January, Russian forces were reported to be capturing a nearly naked man performing on a nightclub stage and he was expected to serve a 15-day detention.

Russian police and security services are launching a flood of criminal cases against people considered enemies or deviants.

Russian police and security services are launching a flood of criminal cases against people considered enemies or deviants.

The man, Maxim Tesli, leader of the band Puppies, was seen wearing only a sock covering his genitals while performing at a club in St. Petersburg.

The sock fell off during his performance, leaving the post-punk singer completely naked, according to the outlet. Sun.

Tesli ran towards the airport, attempting to escape after his stunt via a roundabout route, but to no avail as Putin’s police caught him before he could escape.

The Sun reported that the head of Russia’s Safe Internet League, Ekaterina Mizulina, said: ‘At a concert in St. Petersburg, he performed songs of dubious content in a sock.

“I wonder how the authorities will react to this.”

Vladimir Putin is cracking down on the

Vladimir Putin is cracking down on “debauchery” and persecuting those he considers “deviant”

The Sun also reported that social activist Vitaly Borodin said: “Maxim Tesli decided to repeat the costume of rapper Vacio, but the sock accidentally slipped off.”

‘This is the scum our children see today, this is LGBT propaganda.

“We are preparing an appeal to initiate a criminal case.”

Others demanded a prison sentence for the artist, whom they described as “vile.”

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