Home US Republicans subpoena AT&T for 13 YEARS of Hunter Biden’s phone records as part of impeachment inquiry

Republicans subpoena AT&T for 13 YEARS of Hunter Biden’s phone records as part of impeachment inquiry

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House Republicans quietly subpoenaed over a decade of Hunter Biden's phone records from AT&T last week
  • In a letter to cell phone investigators, they say they have identified payments from Hunter Biden to AT&T for bills for his own use and a line for Joe Biden’s use
  • ‘The total amount paid by Hunter Biden for his father’s use appears to be over $15,000, which was for a personal line Joe Biden used while Vice President’



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House Republicans quietly subpoenaed over a decade of Hunter Biden’s phone records from AT&T last week.

In a letter addressed to the carrier, sent Wednesday and obtained by DailyMail.com, prosecutors say they have identified payments from Hunter Biden to AT&T for bills for his own use and a line for Joe Biden’s use.

They gave AT&T until March 20 to turn over the records, some of which date back as far as 2011.

“Based on records reviewed by the committees, the total amount Hunter Biden paid for his father’s use appears to be over $15,000, which was for a personal line that Joe Biden used while Vice President,” the letter said.

Former Hunter staffer Hunter Schwerin, who provided free financial services to Joe Biden while he was vice president, also told the committee that he wrote a check on behalf of Joe Biden to Hunter Biden for the cellphone bill. Hunter did not dispute the account.

House Republicans quietly subpoenaed over a decade of Hunter Biden's phone records from AT&T last week

House Republicans quietly subpoenaed over a decade of Hunter Biden’s phone records from AT&T last week

“I think 2010. I think there was a number of months — and I don’t know the amount, but probably no more than 6 — where Hunter had paid his dad’s cell phone bill and we had to have his dad pay him back, when that happened. I think his father reimbursed him on a monthly basis,” Schwerin said during his transcribed interview with the committee.

Former Hunter employee Devon Archer told prosecutors that Hunter had put his father on speakerphone during business meetings about 20 times over 10 years.

“In addition, the records will provide important information about the timing and frequency of communications that will help corroborate other documents and testimony obtained by the committees, including but not limited to Mr. Archer’s testimony,” the letter read.

The subpoenaed records will help the Oversight Committee determine whether Joe Biden abused his office by selling access and/or by receiving payments or other benefits in exchange for official acts, a critical aspect of the impeachment inquiry.

House Republicans did not make public their subpoena for the documents until Oversight Democrats released a memo disclosing it.

Former Hunter employee Devon Archer told prosecutors Hunter had put his father on speakerphone during business meetings about 20 times over 10 years

Former Hunter employee Devon Archer told prosecutors Hunter had put his father on speakerphone during business meetings about 20 times over 10 years

Former Hunter employee Devon Archer told prosecutors Hunter had put his father on speakerphone during business meetings about 20 times over 10 years

“This subpoena for 15 years worth of Hunter Biden’s phone records is just the latest evidence that the Republican investigation, which has not revealed so much as a glimmer of evidence of criminal wrongdoing by President Biden, is nothing more than a transparent effort by the president to harass the president and his family, indulge Mr. Trump’s demands for political retribution, and amplify Russian propaganda and disinformation.’

The House Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary and Ways and Means committees, have poured over thousands of pages of bank records and other documents and conducted many hours of interviews with Hunter Biden staffers and Hunter and James Biden themselves.

Democrats have called on them to ‘abandon’ their investigation, claiming no smoking gun has been found in the months-long investigation.

They have latched onto the fact that a paid FBI informant was indicted for lying to prosecutors after he alleged that then-Vice President Biden and Hunter were each paid $5 million in bribes by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma to press charges Viktor Shokin fired.

But Republicans have now invited Hunter Biden to testify publicly along with three former business associates – Archer, Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis. All three worked with Biden in his international dealings, and all have claimed that the ‘Biden brand’ was the main reason for doing business with Hunter.

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