Home US Republicans launch investigation into claims by a jailed Hunter Biden associate that he faces “retaliation” in prison for speaking out about Joe’s involvement in shady foreign deals.

Republicans launch investigation into claims by a jailed Hunter Biden associate that he faces “retaliation” in prison for speaking out about Joe’s involvement in shady foreign deals.

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Biden impeachment investigators traveled to an Alabama prison to speak with Jason Galanis, who is currently serving a 14-year sentence for defrauding a Native American tribe.

House impeachment investigators are demanding that the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) turn over documents related to the detention of imprisoned former Hunter Biden associate Jason Galanis.

Galanis has alleged that he has been targeted by the justice system and denied home confinement that “would have allowed full and free access to congressional investigators.”

Galanis spoke to Republican investigators weeks ago from an Alabama prison after he was convicted of defrauding a Native American tribe.

Biden impeachment investigators traveled to an Alabama prison to speak with Jason Galanis, who is currently serving a 14-year sentence for defrauding a Native American tribe.

Biden impeachment investigators traveled to an Alabama prison to speak with Jason Galanis, who is currently serving a 14-year sentence for defrauding a Native American tribe.

Galanis and Hunter’s former associate, Devon Archer, were convicted of fraud for convincing a Native American tribe to issue economic development bonds and then diverting the funds for personal use. Hunter Biden was never accused of participating in the scheme.

Galanis is part of a famous crime family in New York. His father, John Galanis, was the target of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani during his crime crackdown in the 1980s. At 76, Galanis’s father is also currently imprisoned for his role in the scheme. of his son.

Galanis is currently pushing for home confinement, claiming he has been sexually assaulted in prison.

‘I pleaded guilty. “I have had eight years in federal custody to reflect on my actions and I deeply regret my role,” she said.

Galanis has already been denied home confinement on one occasion, claiming that he had been assaulted by a member of prison staff.

“I believe that, based on the events I have described, many of which are recorded in writing, I have been the victim of a pattern of retaliation by the Department of Justice to prevent my home confinement, which would have allowed me complete and free release. . access to congressional investigators,” he said.

He also said that based on his experiences within the justice system, he believes he is ‘at serious risk within the (Bureau of Prisons) for providing information on these matters involving the president and his son.’

Galanis told investigators that in February 2023, Pensacola’s warden approved him for home confinement under the Covid-era CARES Act, and on June 9, 2023, “California Bureau of Prisons staff confirmed his approval of my home confinement in an email to FPC Pensacola Staff.’

Days later, on June 12, the Oversight Committee announced that it would subpoena Devon Archer, Galanis’ partner, “which, in my opinion, would certainly expose the dealings of Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and myself.”

A day later, he says approval for his home confinement was revoked.

Galanis said: ‘I formally appealed the revocation. With each stage of appeal, the reason for my denial by the BOP changed. For example, first, it was that I had too much time left on my sentence. This is not a valid reason for denial.

Then it was that the CARES Act expired on May 10, 2023. This reasoning is artificial and contradicted by the June 9 passage, a date after the supposed May 10 expiration. Additionally, BOP policy is that all CARES Act applications submitted before May 10 were required to be processed, which I witnessed firsthand when other inmates were released well into the summer. “They were treating me differently.”

On March 19, Oversight Chairman James Comer, Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, and Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., a member of both committees, asked BoP Director Collette Peters and the Assistant U.S. Attorney Negar Tekeei to hand over all documents related to Galanis. ‘request for home confinement and the subsequent approval and revocation thereof, as well as all documents and communications related to her sexual abuse allegations.

In testimony released Monday, Galanis told Republican impeachment investigators that ‘Biden’s push’ was the reason he did business with his first son, claiming he helped close deals they believed would make them thousands of dollars. millions.

Galanis said Archer had encouraged him to bring Hunter into his deals, arguing that Joe Biden’s son could provide them with a “Biden boost.”

‘The “Biden lift” we talked about was access. “Access meant for us at that time, being in the business of acquiring other companies, persuading third parties to do business with us,” Galanis explained in transcripts made public Monday.

“Foreign investors would have a vision of political access to the most powerful and admired country in the world, of leadership in the most powerful and admired country in the world,” he continued.

Domestically, Galanis said the ‘Biden push’ could help them close deals with companies in sectors where Joe Biden had close relationships.

‘In the internal context, it was, for example, things like union pension funds. This particular circumstance was a business plan that included acquiring what ended up being two union pension fund managers, investment managers, and that was a different type of influence. “It was a seal of credibility.”

Galanis said having Hunter on his team “gave credibility” to any potential firm or partner because he “strongly demonstrated access to the halls of power.”

He said they would often take advantage of Joe Biden’s contacts within an industry like unions.

“Part of our business plan was to take advantage of the family’s contacts with the unions that had historically developed, I suppose, through political relationships with his father.”

The embattled businessman told investigators he worked with Hunter Biden and Devon Archer on business deals in the insurance and finance industry from 2012 to 2015.

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1709677163 453 Republicans launch investigation into claims by a jailed Hunter Biden

Galanis told investigators that “Hunter Biden’s entire added value to our business was his last name and his access to his father, Vice President Joe.”

He testified that the trio was “owned and acquired with audited total assets of more than $17 billion.”

Galanis said he gave Hunter and Devon Archer share ownership in a new business company, called Burnham Group, at no cost because of the “relationship capital” they would bring to the company.

Previous leaks of testimony revealed that Joe Biden had reportedly considered joining the board of directors of a company linked to China after leaving the vice presidency.

Hunter Biden served as vice president of Burnham Group and “brought strategic relationships to the company, including from Kazakhstan, Russia and China.”

Galanis testified that in 2014, he, Devon and Hunter agreed to form a partnership with Harvest Fund Management, a $300 billion Chinese financial services company with close ties to the CCP.

Henry Zhao, the director of Harvest, was a contact of Hunter.

Zhao was interested in this partnership because of the revolutionary added value of the Biden family, including Joe Biden, who would be a member of the Burnham-Harvest team after the vice presidency, providing political access in and around the United States. the world,” Galanis testified.

Galanis cited a draft email written by Archer to Hunter that said, “Please also remind Henry (Zhao) of our conversation about a board seat for a certain relative of mine.” Devon and I golfed with that relationship early last week and discussed this same idea again and, as always, he remains very interested in the opportunity.

That section was never included in an email Hunter sent.

Hunter Biden's friend and business partner Devon Archer, far left, is seen playing golf in the Hamptons with Hunter (far right) and Joe (next to Hunter).

Hunter Biden's friend and business partner Devon Archer, far left, is seen playing golf in the Hamptons with Hunter (far right) and Joe (next to Hunter).

Hunter Biden’s friend and business partner Devon Archer, far left, is seen playing golf in the Hamptons with Hunter (far right) and Joe (next to Hunter).

“As Devon Archer is mentioned as being a direct party to the conversation with the vice president at the golf course, it is clear from his email that Devon believed this was an accurate representation of that conversation,” Galanis said in his opening statement. .

“I am certain that the phrase ‘a certain relative of mine’ refers to Vice President Biden, and Devon told me about this conversation on the golf course shortly after it occurred,” Galanis testified. “And it was one of many conversations that I understood the vice president had expressing his willingness to join Harvest’s board of directors after his vice presidency.”

One infamous photo shows Joe Biden playing golf with Hunter and Archer in August 2014, just before the email was supposedly written.

Galanis went on to testify that Zhao “regularly sought assurances about what he called the ‘intangible assets’ that Vice President Biden, serving on Harvest’s board, would bring to the business plan.”

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