Home US Republican Navy SEAL running for Congress’ mother is an erotic book author who specializes in writing sexual SEAL fantasies about romantic military love stories

Republican Navy SEAL running for Congress’ mother is an erotic book author who specializes in writing sexual SEAL fantasies about romantic military love stories

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Sharon Hamilton has written more than 80 romance titles, most of which involve Navy SEALs.

The mother of a veteran running for Congress writes erotic books about service members, including sexually charged stories about SEALs like her son, and has admitted to having steamy fantasies about special operators.

Sharon Hamilton is the author of dozens of erotic fiction stories about servicemen in remote locations with book titles such as ‘Cruisin’ for a SEAL’ and ‘SEAL My Love.’

She is also the mother of Cameron Hamilton, a former Navy SEAL currently running for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District.

Cameron served with SEAL Team Eight during four deployments, according to his campaign site. He spent 10 years total in the United States military.

“Cameron is a Christian, a husband and father of three young children,” his campaign said in a statement to DailyMail.com. “He does not approve of the genre in which his mother writes and does not read her books.”

“Cameron loves his mother dearly and is proud of her accomplishments as a New York Times bestselling author, but her chosen genre of writing does not reflect her values.”

Sharon Hamilton has written more than 80 romance titles, most of which involve Navy SEALs.

Sharon Hamilton has written more than 80 romance titles, most of which involve Navy SEALs.

Hamilton's son, Cameron, spent 10 years serving the U.S. in the military and Navy SEALs.

Hamilton's son, Cameron, spent 10 years serving the U.S. in the military and Navy SEALs.

Hamilton’s son, Cameron, spent 10 years serving the U.S. in the military and Navy SEALs.

Many of Sharon Hamilton's books feature strong, bare-chested men on the cover.

Many of Sharon Hamilton's books feature strong, bare-chested men on the cover.

Many of Sharon Hamilton’s books feature strong, bare-chested men on the cover.

Hamilton's SEAL series has a devoted following who frequently write blog posts about the novels on the author's website.

Hamilton's SEAL series has a devoted following who frequently write blog posts about the novels on the author's website.

Hamilton’s SEAL series has a devoted following who frequently write blog posts about the novels on the author’s website.

The erotic author’s library of written works is enormous, encompassing more than 80 individual titles, more than half of which are based on the sexual escapades of Navy SEALs.

Hamilton, who is married to an Air Force veteran who served in Vietnam, has been open about her erotic dreams about the SEALs.

In a 2015 interview with USA Today, she described how she would spend her time if she were stranded on an island with the military hero of her choice.

“I would definitely want a Navy SEAL, preferably one from SEAL Team VI.”

“With a million dollars’ worth of training and a sixth sense of danger, not only would he protect me by getting close and staying very close, but he’d probably be a fun guy to hang out with,” the author responded.

‘As I always say in my books: always handsome heroes. Optional shirts. “SEALs can swim, improvise from their environment and learn to survive in extreme conditions,” he continued.

Oh, and another little fact: I’m told they tend to get hot and bothered around women. That’s ok!’

Hamilton has written many book series dedicated to Navy SEAL erotic fiction.

Cameron Hamilton served as a doctor during his time in the global war on terrorism.

Cameron Hamilton served as a doctor during his time in the global war on terrorism.

Cameron Hamilton served as a doctor during his time in the global war on terrorism.

Sharon Hamilton has been on the New York Times bestseller list for her romance novels.

Sharon Hamilton has been on the New York Times bestseller list for her romance novels.

Sharon Hamilton has been on the New York Times bestseller list for her romance novels.

Hamilton has several individual series featuring SEAL erotic stories, including the Bone Frog Brotherhood and Bad Boys of SEAL Team Three series.

Hamilton has several individual series featuring SEAL erotic stories, including the Bone Frog Brotherhood and Bad Boys of SEAL Team Three series.

Hamilton has several individual series featuring SEAL erotic stories, including the Bone Frog Brotherhood and Bad Boys of SEAL Team Three series.

SEAL Brotherhood, Hamilton’s first SEAL sex series, features 11 installments about different members of SEAL Team Three and their partners.

Silver Team is one of Hamilton’s newest series based on Navy SEAL ‘silver foxes’ who find a new purpose as they leave the service.

The bad boys of SEAL Team Three share stories of service members who had a difficult and complicated upbringing, but who through their military service found love and direction.

Hamilton’s Band of Bachelors series details the complicated personal lives of SEALs who go through divorce proceedings and custody battles, but who ultimately find true love after working with their teammates to solve their problems.

A portion of the proceeds from Hamilton’s military romance novels go to the Wounded Warrior Project and the Navy SEAL Museum, according to his books.

In addition to his Navy SEAL series, Hamilton has written other erotic series about vampires and angels.

For the series not about service members, Hamilton chooses to identify himself with the pseudonym S. Hamil.

Hamilton also uses the pseudonym Annie Carr when writing female-centered romance novels. Hamilton has only written two novels under the name Annie Carr.

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