Home Life Style Relatives face the judge for the tragic death by “exorcism” of a 3-year-old boy

Relatives face the judge for the tragic death by “exorcism” of a 3-year-old boy

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Arely Naomi

In a rural California courtroom, a somber preliminary hearing began to determine the fate of three people accused of the death of a 3 year old girl during an alleged exorcism.

The defendants, Claudia Hernández, René Trigueros Hernández and René Hernández Santos, are accused of fatally harming young Arely Naomi Proctor during an alleged attempt to free her from demonic possession. According to Lieutenant JJ ​​Vallejo, the main researcherthe trio believed the girl was possessed, possibly caused by something disturbing she had witnessed on her mother’s mobile phone.

The hearing, taking place in San José, marks the beginning of a process to determine whether the case warrants a full trial. The defendants face charges of fatal child abuse related to the tragic events of September 24, 2021, which unfolded in a small Pentecostal church overseen by Trigueros Hernández.

Arely’s mother was the first to be arrested in early 2022, followed by Trigueros Hernández and Hernández Santos months later. All face charges of child abuse resulting in death.

According to testimony presented by Lieutenant Vallejo, Arely suffered prolonged abuse, enduring strangulation, forced ingestion of foreign objects, and severe physical pressure that led to her losing consciousness for a period of more than 12 hours.

Trigueros Hernández reportedly admitted to attempting an exorcism on the girl, along with Hernández and Hernández Santos, during which they forcibly restrained her, depriving her of sustenance and hydration until her untimely death.

In recorded conversations shared during the hearing, Hernandez expressed his belief in divine intervention, but also expressed concern about possible perceptions of his actions, emphasizing that they were not intended to cause harm.

Vallejo recounted Trigueros Hernández’s mention of a past experience of exorcism in El Salvador, further suggesting a pattern of similar beliefs and practices.

The defendants allegedly waited hours before seeking medical assistance for Arely, despite her critical condition.

The defense attorney attempted to argue that the defendants’ actions were misguided attempts to help the child and not intentional acts of harm.

The case drew attention months later when police, investigating another incident, discovered details of the exorcism while searching the church premises. Despite the acknowledgments of the event, Trigueros Hernández and members of the church deny any wrongdoing.

The court proceedings are scheduled to continue until March 25, after which Judge Chew will determine whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed to trial.

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