Home Australia Read the red flag texts my boyfriend sent me after I told him I was getting glasses – now everyone’s telling me to ‘run’

Read the red flag texts my boyfriend sent me after I told him I was getting glasses – now everyone’s telling me to ‘run’

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People were shocked by the series of messages.

A young woman has been told to “run away” from her relationship after sharing a series of “red flag” text messages from her much older boyfriend.

The 21 year old woman aware on Reddit to ask if her 31-year-old boyfriend’s reaction when she bought new glasses was a little strange.

He had decided to buy glasses with thicker frames, but his partner of four months does not like “textures” and is avidly against the new glasses.

He has also ‘forbid’ her to wear jeans because they ‘discourage’ her.

In the texts, the man says the glasses would “make him pout,” make him “not want to kiss her,” and “drive him away.”

People were shocked by the series of messages.

He explained that he doesn’t normally date women with glasses, but hers are “so thin” that he doesn’t even notice them.

“If you had new, bigger or thicker ones, I would definitely stay away,” she wrote.

Adding: ‘If you had an extra pair, they would have to be at least a similar size to my current ones or I would get anxious, feel sad and discouraged and we would break up over something stupid or I would take them off every time I was with you.’

The stream of texts ended with “Dad really doesn’t like big frames.”

The message thread immediately went viral and people warned the young woman that she should try to leave the relationship.

“It sounds controlling, I was in a relationship like this when I was younger and I didn’t leave it fast enough,” said one woman.

Another added her thoughts: ‘This is one of the most embarrassing text conversations I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading. The guy is literally complaining that his girlfriend who wears glasses will give him anxiety and is in her 30s.

‘It may seem like this is just about glasses, but it’s actually much more than that. He is giving you an ultimatum about something you need medically. Obviously, we don’t know what the rest of your relationship with him is like, but to be honest, we don’t have to. He has already explained it himself,” said one woman.

And the men said the thread of the conversation also left them feeling uneasy.

He sent a dozen messages explaining how he hates glasses

He sent a dozen messages explaining how he hates glasses

‘Technically, a conversation is two people talking, right? “It’s five pages of fear and a thumbs up,” said one man.

‘I am a 31-year-old man. I don’t know any 31-year-old man who talks like that and I don’t think you should either.’

Others couldn’t forget the words and phrases he used while expressing how uncomfortable the glasses would make him feel.

“Don’t forget he’ll make a bad face,” one laughed.

“Spamming to get your (non-existent) point across really helps me,” said another.

A third added: “Why does he sound like he’s 14?”

The young woman shared more messages that have since been deleted, which only increased the case against her partner, as some suggested something much more sinister than a simple “red flag.”

‘He treats you like a child and at the same time behaves like a child. I don’t know the details of their relationship, but to answer your original question, this goes beyond a red flag. He sounds like a weirdo trying to take advantage of a young girl. Please Be Careful. Good luck to you,’ a man warned.

She responded with an 'okay' after he explained, 'Dad doesn't really like big frames,' following his monologue on the topic.

She responded with an ‘okay’ after he explained, ‘Dad doesn’t really like big frames,’ following his monologue on the topic.

‘His last text message ended with “Dad doesn’t like big frames.” This guy is an absolute scoundrel and an absolute loser. He is completely taking advantage and manipulating OP because he knows she is young and vulnerable. “Actually, she’s really alarming,” claimed another.

A third said: ‘When your brain fully develops in 4 years, you will look back on this relationship and have your enlightening moment of realization.’ Make the future proud and cut off all contact.’

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