Home Money Rats can knock a fifth off value of your home: Infestations are soaring but there are cheap ways to banish them

Rats can knock a fifth off value of your home: Infestations are soaring but there are cheap ways to banish them

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Survivors of the wild: There are now up to 250 million rats in the UK and increasing numbers of mutant rats growing up to three feet long by feeding on discarded takeaway meals

A vermin infestation is expected to take over the country this spring – and an infestation could knock down up to a fifth of the value of your home.

According to the British Pest Control Association, complaints of rat and mouse infestations doubled in the first three months of this year.

Natalie Bungay, from the BPCA, said: “Rats and mice are great survivors of nature who have adapted to live off the remains that humans leave behind. They reproduce quickly and infestations quickly get out of control.

There are now 250 million rats – four times the population of Britain – and, after feeding on discarded takeaway food, increasing numbers are reaching up to 3ft in length. Added to this is the estimated 6 million house mice that burrow into homes, sheds and garages.

Estate agents warn that a rodent infestation could knock down up to a fifth of your home’s asking price.

Survivors of the wild: There are now up to 250 million rats in the UK and increasing numbers of mutant rats growing up to three feet long by feeding on discarded takeaway meals

Survivors of the wild: There are now up to 250 million rats in the UK and increasing numbers of mutant rats growing up to three feet long by feeding on discarded takeaway meals

Leeds-based Property Savior says: “If a surveyor discovers evidence of an infestation, the buyer can demand up to 20% off the asking price.

“Pests are something a seller must disclose. If they haven’t been honest about an ongoing rat problem, the buyer could sue the seller.

An appraiser who identifies rodent tracks may also recommend that the lender require a specialist report as a mortgage condition.

Infestations have been exacerbated after some financially struggling councils reduced bin collections, resulting in waste remaining on the streets for up to a fortnight. Further cuts to waste management services are expected nationwide to address growing budget shortfalls.

The cost to local councils of tackling infestations is estimated at £36m a year, according to insurer Direct Line. And property damage will cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to resolve.

According to the British Insurance Brokers’ Association, it is the responsibility of homeowners to ensure their property is protected, as standard policies do not cover damage caused by rodents.

Although a single pest control call can cost up to £50, you will likely need at least three repeat visits. So you should budget maybe £200 for an exterminator.

You might even be tempted to sign up for a “five-year warranty” that offers long-term support should the pests return. However, these contracts can be as high as £2,000 for eight visits per year.

Counseling can often offer help. In London, pest controllers in Tower Hamlets can come out for free to resolve a rat problem – or charge £30 in an area like Croydon. But in areas like Islington they can charge £174.

But if you catch the problem before there is an infestation, you can save money by fixing it yourself.

The first step is to identify what type of vermin problem you have. Mice leave small droppings, usually 5mm long, smaller than a grain of rice and can smell like ammonia. Whereas rats leave larger pellets, often 10mm long and the size of a Tic Tac mint.

Best Bait: Don't bother using cheese in your traps, mice really prefer chocolate or peanut butter

Best Bait: Don't bother using cheese in your traps, mice really prefer chocolate or peanut butter

Best Bait: Don’t bother using cheese in your traps, mice really prefer chocolate or peanut butter

Both appear at night, make scratching noises and chew wood, plastic, cables and food.

Bungay advises making sure the house is spotless, free of food debris (even seeds left for birds in gardens) and that trash cans are tightly closed.

There may be obvious entry points into the house, perhaps a skirting board with a gap that needs to be sealed.

She says: “Eliminate spaces around pipes, houses and under sheds. A rat only needs a 15mm gap to get inside, while a mouse can squeeze through an even narrower hole.

Unfortunately, simply plugging a gap with a mixed putty or foam filler may not be enough to stop rodents eating it, warns Sarah Ayers, of Precision Pest Management Solutions in Leeds. She suggests a barrier of tightly packed wire mesh or wire wool.

Next, a battle plan should be developed to deal with any potential infestation. The choice is often to set traps or use poison.

Traps come in many different forms, including traditional £2-£15 motion-triggered traps that kill instantly, through to £25 electric shock tools.

Another option is a £5 “humane” trap that keeps rodents alive – but you’ll still have to get rid of them later.

Ayers says: “Avoid using cheese as bait. They don’t like it as much as chocolate or peanut butter. And remember that rats are neophobic and wary of new things. So be patient.

“Place traps along baseboards and sprinkle talcum powder around them to check for paw prints.”

In the event of an infestation – which can happen quickly since rodents breed up to ten times a year – poison may be preferable. But their major drawback is that they are toxic to other animals and humans. If you have children or pets, this is not recommended.

Ayers adds: “Wild animals can also die if they catch mice or rats that have ingested poison. »

If you use a professional, check that they are insured and, ideally, use a member of the BPCA as they have high-level training.

It’s also important to check the fine print to make sure that if the rodents come back, your pest controllers will deal with them as part of an agreement.

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