Home US Psychologists make frightening prediction about Trump’s cognitive decline and the personality trait that will only get WORSE

Psychologists make frightening prediction about Trump’s cognitive decline and the personality trait that will only get WORSE

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A pair of professional psychologists warn that even though more and more Americans believe Joe Biden is unfit to be president, Donald Trump's cognitive decline is bad and getting worse.

A pair of professional psychologists warn that even though more and more Americans believe Joe Biden is unfit to be president, Donald Trump’s cognitive decline is worsening.

Cornell University senior professor Dr. Harry Segal and fellow psychologist Dr. John Gartner have started a podcast called ‘Shrinking Trump’ to, as they put it, ‘analyze the reasons for rapid mental decline.’ of Donald Trump’.

Gartner goes so far as to accuse Trump (who has consistently denied any cognitive decline and suggested that Biden doesn’t know where he is) of having dementia.

“I always tell people, look at Donald Trump right now, because that’s the best Donald Trump you’ll ever see, because dementia is a deteriorating disease and the rate of deterioration is accelerating,” he said.

A pair of professional psychologists warn that even though more and more Americans believe Joe Biden is unfit to be president, Donald Trump’s cognitive decline is bad and getting worse.

Psychologist Dr. John Gartner (pictured left) and Dr. Harry Segal (pictured right). They have spoken before about their concerns regarding Trump's cognitive abilities. The pair have started a podcast called 'Shrinking Trump' to, as they say, 'analyze the reasons for Donald Trump's rapid mental deterioration.'

Psychologist Dr. John Gartner (pictured left) and Dr. Harry Segal (pictured right). They have spoken before about their concerns regarding Trump’s cognitive abilities. The pair have started a podcast called ‘Shrinking Trump’ to, as they say, ‘analyze the reasons for Donald Trump’s rapid mental deterioration.’

Despite having, in their opinion, raised the alarm about Trump’s capabilities, they believe that the media refuses to cover him.

Gartner wondered: “I don’t know what it will take for the mainstream press to ask, ‘Is there something wrong with Trump’s brain?’

“I think even if they caught him walking down Fifth Avenue in his pajamas, they wouldn’t ask the question,” he added.

Segal launched the accusation that many liberals have leveled at Trump: that he has a narcissistic personality disorder and warned that everything will go downhill from here.

“It is a disorder that does not improve,” he said. “It gets worse when there’s less structure.”

Segal said, “We’re going to see … an interaction between cognitive impairment and personality disorder, both of which are serious diagnoses for anyone, and this is for someone who should never have been in power to begin with.”

Previously, Segal told DailyMail.com that while Biden may confuse names and dates, it’s more worrying that Trump is actually confusing people.

Dr. Segal clarified that he has not treated Trump as a patient, but said the former president’s verbal errors are examples of phonemic paraphasia, the swapping of words for similar-sounding ones, which can also be an early sign of dementia. .

Gartner goes so far as to accuse Trump, who has consistently denied any cognitive decline and has suggested that Biden doesn't know where he is, of having dementia.

Gartner goes so far as to accuse Trump, who has consistently denied any cognitive decline and has suggested that Biden doesn’t know where he is, of having dementia.

Doctors had previously told DailyMail.com that President Joe Biden should be tested for dementia due to a pattern of confusion, mix-ups and a damning report from special prosecutor Robert Hur that called him

Doctors had previously told DailyMail.com that President Joe Biden should be tested for dementia due to a pattern of confusion, mix-ups and a damning report by special counsel Robert Hur that called him “a well-intentioned old man with a bad memory.”

Gartner previously said on David Pakman’s show that, with respect to Trump, a key sign of cognitive decline “is the lack of awareness that you have cognitive decline when you make these mistakes and you don’t correct yourself because you’re not aware that you’ve made them.” I made a mistake.’

On the other hand, experts say, Biden often picks up on and corrects his mishaps, such as when he said inflation was tied to “a war in Iraq,” but quickly clarified: “Excuse me, the war in Ukraine.”

There have, however, been multiple occasions when he has not realized his mistakes, such as when he misidentified Laken Riley, a student allegedly murdered by an undocumented immigrant, or when he confused the presidents of Mexico and Egypt.

And doctors have previously told DailyMail.com that the president should be tested for dementia because of his pattern of confusion, confusion and a damning report by special prosecutor Robert Hur that called him “a well-intentioned old man with a bad memory.”

Dr. Gartner called the situation “a tale of two brains,” stating, “Biden’s brain is aging.” “Trump’s brain is going crazy.”

However, based on polls, it is clear that the American people do not necessarily believe Trump is worse than Biden.

According to a month of February NBC pollA total of 76 percent of voters have significant or moderate concerns that Biden, 81, is physically and mentally healthy to serve a second term as president.

A surprising 62 percent of voters in the survey say they have “major concerns” about Biden’s physical and mental health.

US President Joe Biden arrives at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, United States, on February 7, 2024.

Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump, in Washington, Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

A surprising 62 percent of voters in the survey say they have “major concerns” about Biden’s (pictured left) physical and mental health versus 34 percent for Trump (pictured right) in a recent survey.

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Fourteen percent of Americans in the survey cite moderate concerns about Biden’s health and fitness and 13 percent share minor concerns. Only 11 percent of voters in the survey said they have no real concerns about the president.

Additionally, most Democrats are concerned about Biden, with 54 percent sharing significant or moderate concerns about his physical or mental ability to serve a second term.

Voters are less concerned about former President Donald Trump’s physical condition.

Forty-eight percent of voters in the survey cited significant or moderate concerns about him having the physical and mental health necessary to serve a second term.

Fifty-two percent of voters cited minor or no concerns about Trump’s physical fitness, including 35 percent who said they had no real concerns. Trump is 77 years old.

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