Home US Protesters break into Biden’s San Francisco hotel and demand a Gaza ceasefire: Demonstrators chant ‘you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide’

Protesters break into Biden’s San Francisco hotel and demand a Gaza ceasefire: Demonstrators chant ‘you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide’

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About 30 Gaza protesters entered the hotel where President Joe Biden was staying in San Francisco on Thursday, shouting:
  • Protesters mingled with guests before unfurling their “Stop Genocide” banner.



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About 30 Gaza protesters entered the hotel where President Joe Biden was staying in San Francisco on Thursday, shouting: “Cease fire now.”

Biden was at the Fairmont Hotel, where he met earlier with the widow and daughter of Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who died in a Russian prison on Friday.

The protest group mingled with hotel guests, before breaking out into chants over a loudspeaker as Biden prepared to leave.

‘Biden, Biden, you can’t hide. We accuse you of genocide,” they chanted, as bewildered guests in the hotel cafeteria watched.

Protesters break into Bidens San Francisco hotel and demand a

About 30 Gaza protesters entered the hotel where President Joe Biden was staying in San Francisco on Thursday, shouting: “Cease fire now.”

The protest group mingled with hotel guests, before breaking out into chants over a loudspeaker as Biden prepared to leave.

The protest group mingled with hotel guests, before breaking out into chants over a loudspeaker as Biden prepared to leave.

The protest group mingled with hotel guests, before breaking out into chants over a loudspeaker as Biden prepared to leave.

Biden was at the Fairmont Hotel, where he met earlier with the widow and daughter of Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who died in a Russian prison on Friday.

Biden was at the Fairmont Hotel, where he met earlier with the widow and daughter of Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who died in a Russian prison on Friday.

Biden was at the Fairmont Hotel, where he met earlier with the widow and daughter of Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who died in a Russian prison on Friday.

They unfurled a banner that read: “Stop funding genocide: end all US aid to Israel.”

At least one protester wore a kippah, or Jewish skullcap.

They followed the White House press pool through the hotel to make their point, as Biden and his team prepared to leave.

Biden is on the final day of a three-day fundraising tour of California.

The hotel was open to guests, who could access the lobby and its shops without any control.

However, they did not approach the tower wing of the hotel, which has been sealed off by Secret Service agents.

He has largely avoided publicly expressing his anger over his full support for Israel as it bombs the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, where more than 28,000 people have been killed.

But the issue is affecting their side, as the progressive wing increasingly opposes Israel’s offensive.

A small crowd of protesters gathered near a Beverly Hills home where they attended a campaign reception Tuesday night. Some guests donated up to $250,000 for the honor of meeting the president.

More to follow

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