A property manager has sparked heated debate after defending a “picky” landlord and his petty request during the inspection.
Shannon Welch, a Perth woman, said she had heard a story about a landlord who had asked his tenants to clean fingerprint marks from mirrors.
“The property manager mentioned the fingerprints on the mirrored sliding doors and said they needed to be cleaned and rectified, and the tenant was very upset about it,” he said in a TikTok video.
“It made me think, I think we need to educate tenants more so they understand that it’s not necessarily a bad thing that they’ve been asked to just remove those fingerprints from mirror doors.”
Social media users were divided, with some accusing the landlord of being “picky,” while others took aim at the tenants for getting angry over a simple request.
Shannon Welch, a Perth woman, said she had heard a story about a landlord who had asked his tenants to clean fingerprint marks from mirrors.
Ms Welch said the feedback provided during inspections is actually “positive” because it means the property manager is doing their “job correctly”.
“One day we want you to use us as your property manager when you have an investment property,” he said.
While the business owner and property manager believe that great attention to detail says a lot about the inspector’s reliability, others don’t completely agree.
Numerous tenants and landlords criticized the landlord’s “ridiculous pickiness.”
“The officers are the ones who need to be educated,” one person wrote.
‘Fingerprints on a mirror do not reflect whether the tenants are taking care of the house!’
A second added: ‘As an investor I would never use someone like that. My relationship with my tenants is worth more.’
Others agreed that this was a fairly simple request and defended the owner.
“People feel a lot of pressure because they are told they are dirty,” one wrote.

Ms Welch later said the feedback provided during inspections is actually “positive” because it means the property manager is doing his job (file image).