Home US Progressive Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson spent $30,000 on MAKEUP during his first year in office.

Progressive Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson spent $30,000 on MAKEUP during his first year in office.

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In one year, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson spent $30,000 on personal grooming, with most of the money spent on makeup.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson managed to spend $30,000 on grooming in one year, with most of the money spent on makeup.

To pay for hair and makeup appointments, Johnson used money his supporters contributed to his Friends of Brandon Johnson campaign fund.

Most of the $30,000 went to Denise Milloy, a makeup artist and self-proclaimed “skin care enthusiast” who operates on the city’s south side.

The rest of the sum, $4,000, was spent on hair appointments at a beauty salon.

Johnson, a progressive Democrat, was elected mayor in 2023 after defeating Paul Vallas in a runoff.

In one year, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson spent $30,000 on personal grooming, with most of the money spent on makeup.

Between 2023 and 2024, Johnson made more than 30 payments to Denise Milloy's Makeup Majic

Between 2023 and 2024, Johnson made more than 30 payments to Denise Milloy’s Makeup Majic

Most of the $30,000 went to Denise Milloy, a makeup artist and self-proclaimed

Most of the $30,000 went to Denise Milloy, a makeup artist and self-proclaimed “skin care enthusiast” who operates on the South Side.

Between 2023 and 2024, Johnson made more than 30 payments to Milloy’s ‘Makeup Majic’.

Payments preceding the mayor’s election are listed under headings such as: “Television Candidate Makeup,” “Makeup Advance,” “Candidate Makeup,” and “Debate Candidate Makeup.”

However, after Johnson was elected, his payments to ‘Makeup Majic’ have fallen under the vague and generic heading of ‘campaign expenses’.

When pressured by Chicago Sun Times In this regard, Denise Milloy refused to comment, stating that she is “not free” to talk about her work.

Campaign records reveal that the mayor has used financial contributions from his supporters to foot the bill.

A Johnson spokesperson had previously commented on how proud the mayor was that many of these campaign contributions came from “working class people.”

Bill Neidhardt, Johnson’s campaign adviser, attempted to put a positive spin on the story by praising the mayor for not using taxpayer money to pay for his hair and makeup appointments.

In a written statement to Chicago Sun TimesNeidhart said, “The mayor does not spend taxpayer money preparing for the numerous public appearances and events he attends every day.”

Neidhardt did not answer questions about whether the payments were to anyone other than the mayor. He also did not comment on the choice of having a makeup artist as a retainer.

Instead, the campaign adviser focused on how Johnson’s spending benefited women- and Black-owned businesses.

Neidhardt wrote: ‘He is using his own campaign funds to pay black and women-owned businesses a fair wage in compensation for their work preparing the mayor and people associated with the campaign for public appearances, events, media segments. and other availabilities. .’

After Johnson was elected, his payments to Makeup Majic have fallen under the vague and generic heading of

After Johnson was elected, his payments to Makeup Majic have fallen under the vague and generic heading of “campaign expenses.”

A Johnson spokesperson had previously commented on how proud the mayor was that many of these campaign contributions came from

A Johnson spokesperson had previously commented on how proud the mayor was that many of these campaign contributions came from “working class people.”

Johnson's campaign adviser attempted to put a positive spin on the story by praising the mayor for not using taxpayer money to pay for hair and makeup services.

Johnson’s campaign adviser attempted to put a positive spin on the story by praising the mayor for not using taxpayer money to pay for hair and makeup services.

The adviser dismissed concerns about expenses by saying that ‘hair and makeup services are common among high-ranking public officials.’

While this is true, it appears that Mayor Johnson has spent much more than other elected officials in this area.

Last year, Johnson’s predecessor, Lori Lightfoot, spent approximately $2,000 in total on “event makeup services.”

In 2019, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle paid a South Side woman $217 for makeup services.

And between 2018 and 2022, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, who funds much of his campaign fund with his own wealth, paid a South Side salon $6,000 for “hair and makeup.”

Johnson has spent far more than other elected officials on hair and makeup services; Pictured: Mayor Johnson and his wife, Stacie, at a state dinner at the White House.

Johnson has spent far more than other elected officials on hair and makeup services; Pictured: Mayor Johnson and his wife, Stacie, at a state dinner at the White House.

Neidhardt further defended Johnson, saying it was important for the mayor to look the part.

“He’s mayor 24/7,” the advisor said. “Appearances matter.”

In January this year, it was revealed that Johnson was struggling with his approval ratings after just eight months in office.

Only about a fifth of voters in the Windy City said they approve of the rookie mayor in a new poll by Democratic pollster Tulchin Research.

When asked how they felt Johnson was performing, only 21 percent responded that they approved of his performance as mayor.

Seven percent of respondents rated Johnson’s performance as “excellent,” while another 14 percent responded that it was “good.”

Meanwhile, up to 69 percent disapprove of the mayor’s performance, with 27 percent rating it as “fair” and 43 percent as “bad.”

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