Home Life Style Prince Harry’s upcoming visit to London leaves little room for a royal meeting with King Charles

Prince Harry’s upcoming visit to London leaves little room for a royal meeting with King Charles

 Prince Harry’s Upcoming London Visit Leaves Little Room for Royal Reunion with King Charles

Prince Harry will visit London for The WellChild Awards on September 30, but despite staying close to Buckingham Palace, a meeting with her father, King Charles, seems highly unlikely due to scheduling conflicts.

According The expressKing Charles will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament on September 28, and his plans for afterward are still uncertain. This leaves little room for a father-son reunion during Harry’s brief visit, especially as both have packed schedules.

A source close to the matter revealed that while a meeting has not been completely ruled out, it is “highly unlikely” at this stage. “The king is due to travel south at the end of September,” The source said“The King and Queen will mark the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament on 28 September and will have several days off afterwards.”

The source also mentioned that there are ongoing discussions about finding time in the King’s schedule, but it is a difficult task. “If the King decides to go to London on the evening of Sunday 29 September for meetings scheduled earlier that week, it seems highly unlikely that there will be time to meet with his son,” they added.

Uncertainty extends to King Charles’ plans after his engagements in Scotland, with no clear decision on whether he will travel to Highgrove or London. At the same time, Prince Harry’s visit is already organised, leaving limited flexibility for any last-minute changes. “Harry is also making a whirlwind visit and his travel plans are already booked and organised,” the source shared.

“A deal can still be reached, as nothing is decided, but it doesn’t look promising.” While the chances of a real meeting remain slim, both sides appear to have very busy schedules, making it difficult to coordinate a meeting during this short visit to London.

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