Home Life Style Prince Harry believes he is an “eternal victim” of King Charles’ wrath

Prince Harry believes he is an “eternal victim” of King Charles’ wrath

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King Charles

Prince Harry reportedly harbors deep resentment toward King Charles following the decision to evict him and his family from Frogmore Cottage, the private residence in the United Kingdom where he previously lived with his wife, Meghan Markle, and their children.

This eviction came just two months after the publication of Harry’s revealing memoir, “Spare,” which shed light on several private family matters and sparked considerable controversy. Tom Quinn, a leading royal expert, spoke with Mirror about the situation, suggesting that the Duke of Sussex felt a strong sense of betrayal at being forced to leave what he considered a safe haven within his home country.

He also stated that Harry likes to present himself as an “eternal victim” of the royal family’s alleged attacks. “Harry took it as a cruel rejection, a painful reminder of everything he felt when his father fought with his mother during his long, painful divorce,” Tom shared.

“Every time Charles puts his foot down, it seems unfair to Harry, who feels that after everything that has happened to him, he should always get whatever he wants, whether it’s security paid for by British taxpayers or a luxurious house in the United Kingdom.” “said the royal. the expert explained. “To many, Harry is just a poor rich kid who behaves like a spoiled brat, but Harry sees himself as the eternal victim,” he added.

According to Quinn, the eviction seemed to Harry as if his father, King Charles, was stripping him of his safety net, leaving him and his family without a secure base in the United Kingdom. This move by the monarchy could be perceived as a direct reaction to the content of Harry’s memoirs, which exposed many personal grievances and sensitive family issues, which could exacerbate already tense relations within the royal family.

The eviction from Frogmore Cottage symbolized a significant personal loss for Harry, who had invested in the house both emotionally and financially, particularly after extensive renovations were made to suit his family’s needs.

The decision to evict Harry from Frogmore Cottage is indicative of the broader consequences of his decision to step away from his royal duties and seek financial independence with his wife in the United States. This step was seen as a bold departure from royal traditions and has generated mixed reactions from both the public and members of the royal family.

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