Home Australia Cancer researcher reveals the lifestyle habit that dramatically boosts your chances of surviving the disease

Cancer researcher reveals the lifestyle habit that dramatically boosts your chances of surviving the disease

by Elijah
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About a quarter of cancer patients die because of the treatment intended to help them. According to studies, one of the most common reasons for this is muscle mass depletion.







About 40 percent of Americans will undergo cancer treatment at some point in their lives.

And toxic chemicals that fight tumors during chemotherapy and invasive operations, which often involve the removal of entire organs, cause the death of about a quarter of patients, according to a British study.

But an expert says there is one thing you can do to give yourself the best chance of recovery.

Dr. Lauren Yancey, an eye surgeon based at the Georgia Vision Institute who studies cancer-related vision loss, explained the one activity that can strengthen the body before treatment, significantly improving the chances of survival.

“What is your best chance of fighting cancer?” » she said in a video posted on her TikTok channel, which got five million views. “It’s actually muscle mass.”

She adds that in her experience, when people are diagnosed with cancer, they like to focus on one factor that they can be “proactive” about and that might help improve their prognosis.

“Here’s my number one tip on how to best survive cancer if you get it, which we all know as humans our chances of getting cancer in our lifetime are very high.”

“If you are considering cancer treatment, the best thing you can have before you begin this journey is good muscle mass.

“We know that chemotherapy drugs deplete skeletal muscles. If you don’t start with good muscle mass, you are already starting with your tank at zero.

About a quarter of cancer patients die because of the treatment intended to help them. According to studies, one of the most common reasons for this is muscle mass depletion.

About a quarter of cancer patients die because of the treatment intended to help them. According to studies, one of the most common reasons for this is muscle mass depletion.

“Not only can weightlifting, strength training and building muscle mass help you in your everyday life, but it could also save your life if you ever need to undergo cancer treatment.”

“We must be strong and healthy…and strong means healthy.”

A 2021 study published in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network concluded that muscle mass not only correlated with survival from advanced cancer, but also with symptom burden.

Experts say having enough muscle is crucial for posture, balance, power and, of course, strength.

The more you have, the more likely you are to maintain your independence and engage in physical activity, which has many benefits for the body’s immune system.

In addition to increasing protein intake, cancer specialists suggest patients do weight-bearing exercises, such as lifting dumbbells or push-ups, as often as possible.

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