Home US Police in Alabama are criticizing the “disgusting” gang that tortured and murdered mother Mahogany Jackson, 20, and are pleading with internet users not to share the brutal video of her final moments.

Police in Alabama are criticizing the “disgusting” gang that tortured and murdered mother Mahogany Jackson, 20, and are pleading with internet users not to share the brutal video of her final moments.

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Mahogany Jackson was stripped naked, handcuffed, spat on and forced to perform sexual acts at gunpoint in a Birmingham apartment before being shot in the back of the head on Sunday, February 25.

Police in Alabama arrested eight suspects accused of beating, raping and shooting to death a 20-year-old mother in a “conscience-shocking murder.”

Mahogany Jackson was stripped naked, handcuffed, spat on and forced to perform sexual acts at gunpoint in a Birmingham apartment before being shot in the back of the head on Sunday, February 25.

Prosecutors say she was tortured by four “acquaintances” men and four women who filmed sections of the attack and shared them on social media.

Mahogany’s mother has pleaded with people to stop sending her videos, saying: “We’re suffering enough, that’s my son.”

Their pleas were backed by Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr, who said, “Seeing it recreated on video almost puts you there, and then seeing people share it over and over again, and I know some people may be sharing it.” for entertainment value or whatever, which is sad in itself.

Mahogany Jackson was stripped naked, handcuffed, spat on and forced to perform sexual acts at gunpoint in a Birmingham apartment before being shot in the back of the head on Sunday, February 25.

Mahogany Jackson was stripped naked, handcuffed, spat on and forced to perform sexual acts at gunpoint in a Birmingham apartment before being shot in the back of the head on Sunday, February 25.

Birmingham Police criticized the horrific crimes and urged people not to share the videos.

Birmingham Police criticized the horrific crimes and urged people not to share the videos.

Birmingham Police criticized the horrific crimes and urged people not to share the videos.

In the photo: Mahogany. She was found with a gunshot wound to the back of the head.

In the photo: Mahogany. She was found with a gunshot wound to the back of the head.

In the photo: Mahogany. She was found with a gunshot wound to the back of the head.

The agents have beaten the attackers. BPD Officer Truman Fitzgerald said, “This is a case that shocks the conscience.” This is not a normal case… and I’m going to take my chances… in any state.

And speaking at a news conference last week, Police Chief Scott Thurmond He said: ‘The facts of this case were deplorable and disgusting. Worst of all, they became public when the suspect decided to videotape parts of this horrible act.

‘We have determined that Mahogany was a victim of sexual assault, including murder and kidnapping. It is painful to know that individuals can participate in such vile acts.”

“This is without a doubt one of the most atrocious acts I have seen in my career, it is absolutely disgusting.”

He also revealed that Mahogany knew all of the suspects, but a motive for the murder has not yet been shared.

Five of the suspects appeared in court earlier this week and were denied bail.

Giovonnie Clapp, Blair Green, Teja Lewis, Sinya McCall and Airana Robinson have been charged with felony murder, first-degree kidnapping and first-degree sodomy.

Jeremiah McDowell, 18, Francis Harris, 25, and Brandon Pope, 24, have been charged with first-degree kidnapping and capital murder.

Blair Green

Blair Green

Giovonnie Clapp

Giovonnie Clapp

Blair Green (left) and Giovonnie Clapp (right) have been charged with felony murder, first-degree kidnapping and first-degree sodomy.

Sinya McCall

Sinya McCall

Tile Lewis

Tile Lewis

Teja Lewis (right) and Sinya McCall (left) were roommates in the Birmingham apartment where much of the torture took place. They have been charged with felony murder, first-degree kidnapping, and first-degree sodomy.

Birmingham Police Homicide Detective Mark Green revealed that Mahogany had gone to meet the suspects thinking he would spend time with them as friends.

But according to the prosecutor, when she arrived, the suspects filmed her being beaten naked on the ground, before one of the suspects said “put her in the trunk.”

Jefferson County District Attorney Carr is pleading with the public not to share the video out of respect for the family.

He said: “There are some aspects of this situation that I know are devastating for that family, and seeing it recreated on video almost puts you there, and then seeing people share it over and over again, and I know that some people can share it for courage entertainment or whatever, which is sad in itself.

“At the end of the day, have some respect for them too, have some respect for the family, have some respect for Mahogany.”

Mahogany’s mother, Gail Maddox, also shared a plea, saying: “Please, I’m begging you all, don’t send us any videos, we’re suffering enough, that’s my son, please stop, I can’t stand it.” “.

The videos circulated online in the days after Mahogany was murdered and her body was found.

Francis Harris

Francis Harris

Brandon Papa

Brandon Papa

Francis Harris, 25 (left) and Brandon Pope, 24 (right), have been charged with first-degree kidnapping and capital murder. Harris is the suspect police believe fired the fatal shot.

Jeremiah McDowell, 18, has been charged with first-degree kidnapping and capital murder. Police believe he was part of the group that took Jackson from the Serenity Apartments building to where he was fatally shot.

Jeremiah McDowell, 18, has been charged with first-degree kidnapping and capital murder. Police believe he was part of the group that took Jackson from the Serenity Apartments building to where he was fatally shot.

Jeremiah McDowell, 18, has been charged with first-degree kidnapping and capital murder. Police believe he was part of the group that took Jackson from the Serenity Apartments building to where he was fatally shot.

Around 8 a.m. on February 25, Jackson texted his family members to inform them that he was being held hostage in apartment three of the Serenity Apartments in southwest Birmingham.

The mother’s body was found in the early morning hours of the next day under a mattress in an illegal dumping site in the 1700 block of Laurel Avenue, known as ‘Dead Man’s Road.’

Several of the perpetrators recorded videos of the torture and assaults before Jackson, who leaves behind a three-year-old daughter, was murdered.

Authorities said Monday that Francis Harris, 25, is the suspect they believe fired the fatal shot after a projectile was recovered from Jackson’s head.

The young mother’s ordeal began when she arrived at Pope’s home on McMillon Avenue Saturday night with several of the suspects, all of whom she knew, Birmingham homicide Det. Mark Green testified at Monday’s hearing.

The kidnapping began on the property and videos taken by the suspects show Lewis and McCall stomping and spitting on Jackson outside Pope’s home.

Jackson was on the ground, Green testified, as several of the suspects repeatedly assaulted her.

At one point, Lewis was straddling Jackson as he hit her in the head.

The distressing footage reportedly shows Jackson telling her attackers that they “had won” and begging to be let go.

Around 8 a.m. on February 25, Jackson texted his relatives to tell them he was being held hostage in Apartment 3 of the Serenity Apartments in southwest Birmingham.

Around 8 a.m. on February 25, Jackson texted his relatives to tell them he was being held hostage in Apartment 3 of the Serenity Apartments in southwest Birmingham.

Around 8 a.m. on February 25, Jackson texted his relatives to tell them he was being held hostage in Apartment 3 of the Serenity Apartments in southwest Birmingham.

Jackson leaves behind three-year-old daughter

Jackson leaves behind three-year-old daughter

Jackson leaves behind three-year-old daughter

Jackson's body was found in the early morning hours of the next day under a mattress in an illegal landfill in the 1700 block of Laurel Avenue, known as 'Dead Man's Road.'

Jackson's body was found in the early morning hours of the next day under a mattress in an illegal landfill in the 1700 block of Laurel Avenue, known as 'Dead Man's Road.'

Jackson’s body was found in the early morning hours of the next day under a mattress in an illegal landfill in the 1700 block of Laurel Avenue, known as ‘Dead Man’s Road.’

In another video, Lewis was seen removing Jackson’s shirt and dragging a naked Jackson by her hair toward a vehicle.

McCall was seen on the video yelling at someone to “open the trunk,” Green told the court. Jackson was then moved to Serenity Apartments, where Lewis and McCall were roommates.

Four more videos of Jackson’s torture were recorded there, the detective said.

Jackson was then shown being forced to perform oral sex on defendant Blair Green in McCall’s bedroom.

McCall, the detective said, threatened that something would happen to Jackson if Blair Green didn’t “enjoy” oral sex.

At one point, McCall made Jackson drop her pants and told McDowell to sexually assault her. There was no testimony to indicate that another sexual assault occurred.

Police believe all of the suspects were present at Lewis’ apartment during the assaults at different times of the night.

Pope, Harris and McDowell then took Jackson from Lewis’ apartment, and shot her to death after sending messages for help to her family.

Lewis and McCall initially denied any knowledge of the incident when questioned by police.

They changed their statements after being shown the videos, which were sent to police by a witness, Green testified.

“This was a horrific attack perpetrated on Ms. Jackson,” Jefferson County Deputy District Attorney Charissa Henrich said Monday.

“She was subjected for a time to (there’s really no other way to say it) torture which ultimately led to her death.”

He added: “The nature of these crimes was horrific.”

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