Home Health Podcasting health guru and Stanford doc Andrew Huberman is accused of being a womanizer who had affair with five women at once and gave one an STI – but he insisted he was just a ‘love addict’

Podcasting health guru and Stanford doc Andrew Huberman is accused of being a womanizer who had affair with five women at once and gave one an STI – but he insisted he was just a ‘love addict’

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Mr. Huberman with a fan, who is not linked to the story.

One of America’s most popular health podcasters and influencers has been accused of womanizing and sexually irresponsible behavior, including dating five women at the same time and allegedly infecting one with an STI.

Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford University who shares health tips with his six million Instagram followers and 5.2 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, Huberman Lab.

He is known for his macho attitude and self-improvement videos designed for men, and is considered by some to be one of the top influencers of ‘science bro’, a category of science-themed social media content aimed at men.

Now, a damning report has provided illuminating insight into Mr. Huberman’s personal life.

Mr. Huberman with a fan, who is not linked to the story.

Mr. Huberman with a fan, who is not linked to the story.

Mr. Huberman with a fan, who is not linked to the story.

Mr. Huberman with a fan, who is not linked to the story.

Mr. Huberman with a fan, who is not linked to the story.

Testimonies from five women describe the podcaster as a promiscuous ‘serial dater’, who subjected her romantic partners to aggressive outbursts, betrayal and infidelity.

Over time, the victims are said to have learned from each other and formed an unlikely friendship, confronting Huberman about his actions.

The accounts include that of his former partner of five years, who says Huberman had affairs with several women, sometimes even arranging dates on the same day.

She claims he made derogatory comments about her, including comparing dating her to ‘looking for apples in the feces’, which he denied.

Huberman, 48, an associate professor of neurology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine, has risen to fame for his obsession with how to optimize health.

According to research by New York magazineHis ex-girlfriend ‘Sarah’ (not her real name) caught Huberman having affairs with five other women and allegedly contracted a cancer-causing STD, the human papillomavirus.

Huberman hosts the Huberman Lab podcast, which has millions of listeners

Huberman hosts the Huberman Lab podcast, which has millions of listeners

Huberman hosts the Huberman Lab podcast, which has millions of listeners

Neurobiology professor Andrew Huberman speaking at a conference in Boston in 2023

Neurobiology professor Andrew Huberman speaking at a conference in Boston in 2023

Neurobiology professor Andrew Huberman speaking at a conference in Boston in 2023

“I felt his anger,” Sarah said, “like two or three days in a row of screaming.” When I was in this state, it continued until 11 or 12 at night and sometimes started again at two or three in the morning.’

Huberman became romantically involved with Sarah after the pair began messaging each other on Instagram in February 2018, before the influencer’s rise to fame.

As the relationship progressed, Sarah claims Huberman became “obsessed” with her past, particularly the two children she had from a previous relationship.

In 2021, Sarah tested positive for a high-risk form of human papillomavirus infection, also known as HPV, which is most commonly contracted through sexual activity and is linked to 99 percent of neck cancers. uterine.

She says she has never tested positive for an STI before, despite getting one regularly for ten years.

In 2022, Sarah saw romantic text messages on Mr. Huberman’s phone from a woman named Eve (not her real name), an actress.

Huberman with his bullmastiff, Costello, who weighed 90 pounds

Huberman with his bullmastiff, Costello, who weighed 90 pounds

Huberman with his bullmastiff, Costello, who weighed 90 pounds

Like Sarah, Eve was also under the impression that Mr. Huberman was not dating anyone else, so the couple had unprotected sex.

However, he learned that this was not the case after noticing that Sarah was liking and commenting on his Instagram posts.

The couple spoke on the phone and realized they had been deceived by Mr. Huberman.

There was also Mary, from Texas, who Mr. Huberman had been dating for years, and Alex, from New York, who had also been having sex with him without knowing he had a girlfriend.

The women started a group chat and corroborated the extent of Mr. Huberman’s antics through time-stamped text messages.

One day in Texas, Sarah left Mr. Huberman’s hotel, after which he slept with Mary and texted Eve. The day before Mr. Huberman moved in with Sarah, he had slept with Mary.

And one day on March 21, 2021, while Sarah was in Berkeley, Huberman had flown Mary from Texas to Los Angeles to stay with him.

While she was there, he left her to watch their dog, Costello, while he drove to a coffee shop to meet Eve, where they talked about their relationship.

He later texted Mary, who was waiting for him, telling her that his phone had gone off.

He texted Eve: “Thank you… for being so next, next, beautiful and sexy.”

“Sleep well, beautiful,” he sent to Sarah.

During a November 2021 episode of Huberman’s podcast titled “How Humans Select and Maintain Short- and Long-Term Romantic Mates,” he discussed similarities in mate preferences with evolutionary psychologist David Buss.

‘Could you tell us how men and women take advantage of deception instead of telling the truth and communicating some of the things related to choosing a partner?’ Mr. Huberman asked.

“Effective tactics for men,” Mr. Buss said, “often show signs of long-term interest…men tend to exaggerate the depth of their feelings for a woman.”

“Let’s talk about infidelity in committed relationships,” Mr. Huberman said, laughing. “I guess it happens.”

“Men who have affairs tend to have affairs with a greater number of partners,” Mr. Buss said.

‘And then… then, by definition, it cannot be lasting. You can’t have long-term affairs with six different partners.

“Yes,” Mr. Huberman said, “unless you’re, uh, juggling multiple phone bills or something.”

“Sure, sure, sure, and some men try to do that, but I think it could be very tiring,” Mr. Buss said.

Mr. Huberman allegedly explained to one of the women that he was not a sex addict, but a love addict.

According to Mr. Huberman himself‘Addiction is a progressive reduction in the things that give you pleasure.’

Through a spokesperson, Huberman told NY Mag that he did not become exclusive with Sarah until late 2021 and denied Sarah’s account of their fights, adding, “Dr. Huberman is very much in control of his emotions.”

A spokesperson for Huberman declined to comment when contacted by DailyMail.com.

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