Home US Pictured: Bird lover and horror movie enthusiast, 37, who lived with her parents and complained about animal cruelty online… ‘while leading secret life as The Immolator – a leading member of sick global monkey torture group’

Pictured: Bird lover and horror movie enthusiast, 37, who lived with her parents and complained about animal cruelty online… ‘while leading secret life as The Immolator – a leading member of sick global monkey torture group’

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Holly LeGresley, 37, of Kidderminster, was charged earlier this month with causing, consuming and facilitating the torture of monkeys.

A British woman who was charged after a horrific monkey torture ring was uncovered previously criticized an action film for depicting “gratuitous animal cruelty” towards birds, criticizing the “sick” scene for going “too far.”

Holly LeGresley, 37, from Kidderminster, was charged earlier this month along with Adriana Orme, 55, from Upton-upon Severn, with causing, consuming and facilitating the torture of monkeys.

It came after a year-long BBC investigation revealed a global network of monsters ‘commissioning’ people living in Thailand or Indonesia to film monkeys being tortured and then sharing them online.

LeGresley was called ‘The Immolator’ online and was said to be a moderator of one of the most prolific groups that saw monkeys sadistically beaten, burned and even doused with acid.

The blood-obsessed woman, who lives with her parents in the Midlands, previously described Hannibal Lecter, a serial killer who eats his victims, and Pennywise, the IT clown who preys on children, as her “icons of the terror”, as MailOnline can reveal.

In another post, LeGresley claims she is “completely obsessed” with horror writer Clive Barker and the main character of his Hellraiser: Pinhead, a demonic creature who rips apart his victims with hooks.

However, alongside her excellent horror movie reviews are dozens of conflicting images of her cradling and cuddling two cockatoos, Chancey and Princess Pea. In other images she appears to have a tarantula in her hands.

In another post, LeGresley continues to present herself as an animal lover and even an activist against animal abuse.

Holly LeGresley, 37, of Kidderminster, was charged earlier this month with causing, consuming and facilitating the torture of monkeys.

Holly LeGresley, 37, of Kidderminster, was charged earlier this month with causing, consuming and facilitating the torture of monkeys.

LeGresley, a bird enthusiast, called himself 'The Immolator' online and was said to be a moderator of one of the most prolific groups.

LeGresley, a bird enthusiast, called himself 'The Immolator' online and was said to be a moderator of one of the most prolific groups.

LeGresley, a bird enthusiast, called himself ‘The Immolator’ online and was said to be a moderator of one of the most prolific groups.

LeGresley is pictured here with one of her two cockatoos, Chancey and Princess Pea.

LeGresley is pictured here with one of her two cockatoos, Chancey and Princess Pea.

LeGresley is pictured here with one of her two cockatoos, Chancey and Princess Pea.

In October 2021, after watching the Suicide Squad spin-off Birds of Prey, he wrote: “Just watched The Suicide Squad. They burn an aviary full of parrots alive with gasoline and they call that entertainment.’

‘That is incredible. You don’t do that shit, not even (with) computer graphics because it’s too far away.

‘Such gratuitous animal cruelty shouldn’t be allowed to be put into a movie when it doesn’t even serve the story. Sick, twisted people who made this movie. I won’t spend any more of my money on the franchise. What a disappointment.’

LeGresley is just one of about 20 people believed to have been investigated for links to the monkey torture ring that had members from around the world, including the United States and Australia.

The charges brought against LeGresley and Orme were brought by West Mercia Police in relation to causing, consuming and facilitating the torture of monkeys.

Both women have been released on bail and will appear at Worcester Magistrates’ Court on May 7.

It comes after Michael McCartney, 50, was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute images of animal crushing.

McCartney, nicknamed the ‘King of Torture’, was one of three key dealers identified in the investigation into cruel monkey torture gangs.

In another post, LeGresley presents herself as an animal lover and even an activist against animal abuse.

In another post, LeGresley presents herself as an animal lover and even an activist against animal abuse.

In another post, LeGresley presents herself as an animal lover and even an activist against animal abuse.

In other images he appears to have a tarantula in his hands.

In other images he appears to have a tarantula in his hands.

In other images he appears to have a tarantula in his hands.

Michael McCartney, 50, was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute images of animal crushing.

Michael McCartney, 50, was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute images of animal crushing.

Michael McCartney, 50, was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute images of animal crushing.

He had managed multiple group chats for monkey torture enthusiasts around the world using the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

Monkey haters sent him requests, asking for videos of monkeys being tortured and even set on fire.

The video tips were then sent along with payments to people in Indonesia who would carry out the abuse that sometimes ended with the killing of baby long-tailed monkeys.

McCartney would later distribute the horrendous images on his social network.

The ringleader resides nearly 10,000 miles from the site of the monkey’s torture and lives in his home allegedly decorated with Nazi symbols and Confederate flags.

Toothless after years of heroin addiction, McCartney, who calls himself Mike, spent two decades with one of the most dangerous motorcycle gangs in the United States before going to prison.

It was during the pandemic that he first came across a monkey torture video and was soon invited to the Telegram group called Ape’s Cage, created by its ringleader ‘Mr Ape’.

When addressed by the BBCApe, whose identity has not been revealed, spoke of his own loneliness that led him to create the forum.

A year-long investigation by the BBC found that hundreds of people had been paying Indonesians to torture and kill baby long-tailed macaques on video.

A year-long investigation by the BBC found that hundreds of people had been paying Indonesians to torture and kill baby long-tailed macaques on video.

A year-long investigation by the BBC found that hundreds of people had been paying Indonesians to torture and kill baby long-tailed macaques on video.

The year-long investigation found that videos were being commissioned of baby monkeys being sadistically beaten, attacked with drills and even doused with acid.

The year-long investigation found that videos were being commissioned of baby monkeys being sadistically beaten, attacked with drills and even doused with acid.

The year-long investigation found that videos were being commissioned of baby monkeys being sadistically beaten, attacked with drills and even doused with acid.

Horrifying videos show baby monkeys dressed in human clothing while trapped in cages

Horrifying videos show baby monkeys dressed in human clothing while trapped in cages

Horrifying videos show baby monkeys dressed in human clothing while trapped in cages

He said it was “attractive” to see “something else suffer” and a way to forget his own pain.

The lurid forum was filled with polls asking members what form of torture they wanted to see next, whether it was a hammer or a screwdriver used to beat monkeys.

The ex-con, however, saw it as an opportunity to make monkeys. After gaining the trust of the shady community, he was trusted to trade and sell the sick images to other members. He once boasted: “I’m building an empire.”

Possessing animal torture videos in the US is not illegal, but distributing them is and can mean someone being sent to prison for up to seven years.

Following the station’s investigation, Homeland Security agents arrived at McCartney’s house. They confiscated his devices and questioned him, but then released him.

Last year he told BBC Eye’s investigations team: “I was the man. Do you want to see monkeys in bad condition?” I could take it to you.

Trying to gain sympathy, McCartney said he had invited animal rights activists to the group to expose him.

‘I tried to do the right thing but I got benefits. It was my mistake,’ he stated.

McCartney has since been accused by prosecutors of raising funds from his chat groups and distributing videos depicting the “sadistic torture, murder and sexually mutilation of animals,” specifically young and adult monkeys.

He has agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy charges and faces up to five years in prison.

While McCartney was undoubtedly a key figure in the underground network, he had a wide reach, and people from all over the world were said to be viewing the videos.

For years, the group’s vile habits had gone unpunished, but now those caught up in the disturbing underground network could face criminal charges and even prison terms.

Some have warned their accomplices to be careful because the authorities are after them.

In a forum where one user asks, “Can anyone send me gory or monkey torture videos?”, another advises, “I just want to warn you about this.” If they offer you videos and ask you to pay money, DON’T DO IT.

“It’s not illegal to see them but paying money for them can get you in serious trouble,” the user added in a post published days ago.

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