Home Australia Photo of an L-plater’s van at Noosa Heads has Aussies up in arms – with people divided on whether a crackdown on the act is warranted

Photo of an L-plater’s van at Noosa Heads has Aussies up in arms – with people divided on whether a crackdown on the act is warranted

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A local complained on Facebook that this station wagon left parked overnight took up two public spaces

The image of an L-plater literally making himself at home in a public car park has divided Australians, with some calling for a tougher crackdown from the city council – while others beg for mercy during a national housing crisis.

A resident of Woods Bay in the southeast Queensland tourist destination of Noosa Heads complained on Facebook about an L-plate station wagon taking up two spaces in a public car park overnight.

The photo of the van appears to show a tent balanced on the roof.

They urged the council to enforce the “no parking” rule between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m., which has been in force in the area since last August, with a $309 fine issued to those found violating it.

“Go to the council, get some teeth and take this illegal camping thing seriously,” the statement read.

A local complained on Facebook that this station wagon left parked overnight took up two public spaces

A local complained on Facebook that this station wagon left parked overnight took up two public spaces

“It wasn’t the only overnight campsite in the area and it clearly wasn’t a homeless person.”

Another admitted it was “damn frustrating” that reverse campers took up the majority of parking spaces in national parks.

However, a number of people have asked how the original poster could guarantee that the person parked at Woods Bay was not homeless, as this had become so common.

‘It’s so sad. Ten years ago everything was fine, but now people seem to be chasing campers all the time,” one person wrote.

“God forbid someone camp in their car for free,” another commented.

Noosa Shire Council Director of Development and Regulation Richard MacGillivray said: Yahoo News The parking ban was aimed at preventing drivers from camping overnight after receiving 84 complaints this year.

“Parking officers, with the assistance of the Queensland Police Service, continue to deal with those flouting parking and camping laws by conducting patrols several times a day, including early morning and evening, and violators are fined,” he said. .

However, with the housing crisis forcing many Australians to live without their cars, those who are already vulnerable could now face fines and have even more limited options when it comes to where they can sleep.

When the Noosa Woods overnight parking trial was announced last year, Mayor Clare Stewart assured the public that council rangers would be able to offer assistance to those who needed help finding accommodation, which was reassured once again by Mr. MacGillivray.

TikTok user gingergradient posted footage of parking inspectors apparently cracking down on vans parked in public spaces.

TikTok user gingergradient posted footage of parking inspectors apparently cracking down on vans parked in public spaces.

TikTok user gingergradient posted footage of parking inspectors apparently cracking down on vans parked in public spaces.

“People in real need due to rental and housing issues, who may be living in cars, are not the target of the Council’s anti-illegal camping efforts.

“The Council’s local law officers are trained to recognize people in genuine need and help direct them to services that can help them find accommodation. »

A video posted last year by TikToker gingergradient showed Perth parking inspectors issuing fines to vans that had stayed out of hours in various car parks while a melancholy version of Men At Work’s Down Under played as the soundtrack original.

“Councils and government want to play with people’s lives,” the user wrote in the video’s caption.

“Without affordable housing solutions and increasing homelessness… more and more people are being forced into cars and vans to try to make the best of a horrible situation.

“Housing Minister, if local councils evict people, you do nothing and have no accommodation… what is the solution? »

Gingergradient called for an “end to the hostility.”

“I have seen security guards and rangers try to open vehicles when they think no one is looking, only target people in vans or cars with sleeping clothes and behave aggressively towards them.”

“I’ve seen women get cornered by rangers after taking a shower and the rangers not allowing the woman to get dressed before making her stand up and talk to three of them…all men of course… and much more.

“I am deeply sickened by what is happening here in Perth and across Australia. When people need compassion and understanding, we see the worst epidemic of entitlement. We will not remain silent or stand idly by.

People in the comments mostly agreed.

“We have gone from the best country in the world to the land of surveillance and tyranny,” one wrote.

“I work in mental health and the number of homeless people at risk is outrageous,” said another.

“The government should be ashamed. We absolutely must stand up and make them listen! »

There were, however, a few dissenters.

“There are many free campsites dotted around Australia,” one comment read.

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