Home Australia People share their partner’s strangest habits, like only buttering a slice of bread on a sandwich and never eating crisps worth less than 50p.

People share their partner’s strangest habits, like only buttering a slice of bread on a sandwich and never eating crisps worth less than 50p.

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Brits have hilariously shared habits

Brits have shared their partner’s hilariously “bizarre” habits on Reddit – with one man revealing his girlfriend’s unusual way of spreading butter on bread when making sandwiches.

In a relationship, it’s common to notice your partner’s quirks over time, with quirky habits ranging from mildly irritating to endearingly strange.

A recent discussion on Reddit has revealed some of the weird but wonderful habits people have been putting up with from their partner, including unique dietary vices and incorrect word pronunciations.

Posting on the popular subreddit r/CasualUK on May 28, a user named u/cheandbis started the conversation by asking other Redditors: ‘What does your other half do that you find strange?’

The man explained how he recently discovered that his girlfriend only butters one of the two slices of bread she uses to make a sandwich.

Brits have shared their partner’s hilariously ‘bizarre’ habits on Reddit – man revealed his girlfriend’s unusual way of spreading butter on bread when making sandwiches (file photo)

He added: “It’s made me wonder if I’m the weird one buttering both slices or if I’m normal and she’s the weird one.” I’m also thinking that, as I just realized after a year, maybe the second slice just doesn’t need butter.

‘My life has been turned upside down because of this! What weird and wonderful things does your partner do that seem strange to you?

He mail prompted more than 1,400 people to enthusiastically share their partner’s oddities, including one who detailed his partner’s rigid dinner schedule.

They wrote: ‘He refuses to have tea until after 10pm. I eat earlier and often cook and sometimes put food on his plate and he leaves it until 10 at night.

‘If I serve it to him at 9:45, he will wait until after 10 pm. If I ask him about it or ask him to try eating earlier, he just says, “I’ll eat when I’m ready.”

Another commenter described her partner’s picky eating habits with chips, writing, “When he picks up a bag of chips, he only eats the big, whole chips, not the smaller pieces on the bottom.”

And it’s not just about the little crumbs, it won’t touch anything smaller than a 50p coin. She used to throw that away, but now we’re a team and I’ll finish the job.

One user shared a particularly strange habit involving a deep fryer: ‘Just bought a deep fryer that makes whole roast chicken. She set it up in her living room so she could watch the chicken turn and cook inside.

A man explained how he recently discovered that his girlfriend only butters one of the two slices of bread she uses to make a sandwich (file image)

A man explained how he recently discovered that his girlfriend only butters one of the two slices of bread she uses to make a sandwich (file image)

Some habits were downright baffling, like one couple’s approach to milk bottles, as their other half wrote: “When you open a (plastic) milk bottle, you remove the silver seal and then press it on the lid, “To keep milk “fresher for longer…”‘

Another highlighted his partner’s linguistic quirks, writing: “Wife says ‘through’ instead of ‘through,’ among other things.”

Meanwhile, another shared: ‘Husband leaves all the drawers and cupboards open when he cooks. And he the refrigerator. He has the inability to close cabinets even though he bangs his head incessantly and curses. Also, he puts tea bags in the sink. Because?’

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