Home US Penn State educator who was busted for having sex with his dog is hit with new charges after cops find video of him committing lewd sex acts with tree branches and a LOLLIPOP inside a public park

Penn State educator who was busted for having sex with his dog is hit with new charges after cops find video of him committing lewd sex acts with tree branches and a LOLLIPOP inside a public park

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The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has found 55 videos recorded by Themis Matsoukas, 64, performing questionable sexual acts between May and June 2023 on her iPad.
  • Themis Matsoukas, 64, who was arrested in June 2023 after allegedly performing a sex act on his pet collie, now faces new charges.
  • Authorities have found 55 videos recorded by Matsoukas performing questionable sexual acts between May and June 2023 on his iPad.
  • A preliminary hearing is scheduled for February 21.

A Penn State University professor who has been accused of performing sexual acts with his dog now faces more charges.

Themis Matsoukas, 64, was allegedly caught in the act on surveillance cameras next to the Rockrock State Forest restrooms, wearing a mask and half naked except for socks and shoes, in June 2023.

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has found 55 videos recorded by Matsoukas performing questionable sexual acts between May and June 2023 on his iPad.

According to an affidavit obtained by State of progressThe videos show the professor completely naked or naked below the waist while wearing a balaclava.

In the videos, Matsoukas is seen masturbating on a picnic table, on the porches of leased camp buildings, in DCNR vehicles, and in a lake.

Additionally, in many of the videos he was also seen inserting a tree branch, a paddle, and the control handle of a John Deere DCNR tracker into his anus.

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has found 55 videos recorded by Themis Matsoukas, 64, performing questionable sexual acts between May and June 2023 on her iPad.

The Penn State professor was allegedly caught in the act with his pet collie on a park surveillance camera in Rothrock State Forest in Pennsylvania (pictured)

The Penn State professor was allegedly caught in the act with his pet collie on a park surveillance camera in Rothrock State Forest in Pennsylvania (pictured)

The affidavit states that Matsoukas has also been accused of defecating on leased camp property and in a maintenance area next to DCNR equipment, as well as smearing bodily fluids on a glass table at a leased camp.

His charges have been updated and include two felony counts each of burglary and burglary, six misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure, two misdemeanor counts of open lewdness, two misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct, and six summary counts of disorderly conduct. for obscene gestures.

Investigators allegedly first located him through a North Face backpack, prompting a distraught Matsoukas to admit to officials that he did it to “blow off some steam.”

Authorities launched an investigation after security cameras meant to monitor the thieves captured the lewd acts on video.

Themis Matsoukas, 64, allegedly told investigators he carried out the perverted act to

Themis Matsoukas, 64, allegedly told investigators he carried out the perverted act to “let off steam.”

Matsoukas, a professor of chemical engineering, had been at Penn State University since 1991.

He has written several books and won distinguished teaching awards, but the university said in a statement after his arrest that “he has been relieved of his responsibilities and is on leave.”

He was arraigned by Huntingdon County District Judge Douglas Gummo and later released on unsecured bail.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for February 21.

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