Home Health Paramedic who had a heart attack while trying to save a patient who was also having a cardiac arrest is reunited with her after both survive

Paramedic who had a heart attack while trying to save a patient who was also having a cardiac arrest is reunited with her after both survive

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Jeremy Williams (right) was helping with CPR on Daisy Devane (left) in June 2022 when he also collapsed with the same emergency
  • Paramedic Jeremy Williams was performing CPR on Daisy Devane when he collapsed



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A paramedic who suffered a heart attack while on a 999 call has been reunited with the woman he treated for the same emergency.

Jeremy Williams was assisting with CPR on Daisy Devane in June 2022 when he also collapsed.

Both survived when other 999 crews came to the rescue and have now been reunited to highlight the importance of learning CPR.

Mrs Devane, now 33, from Stewartby, Bedfordshire, was kept alive by her boyfriend, now husband, Eammon, after collapsing.

A first aid teacher, she had taught him chest compressions, which he did while they waited for paramedics.

Jeremy Williams (right) was helping with CPR on Daisy Devane (left) in June 2022 when he also collapsed with the same emergency

Jeremy Williams (right) was helping with CPR on Daisy Devane (left) in June 2022 when he also collapsed with the same emergency

Both survived when another 999 crew came to the rescue and have now been reunited to highlight the importance of learning CPR. Pictured with Daisy's husband Eammon (left)

Both survived when another 999 crew came to the rescue and have now been reunited to highlight the importance of learning CPR. Pictured with Daisy's husband Eammon (left)

Both survived when another 999 crew came to the rescue and have now been reunited to highlight the importance of learning CPR. Pictured with Daisy’s husband Eammon (left)

Mrs Devane, now 33, from Stewartby, Bedfordshire, was kept alive by her boyfriend, now husband, Eammon, (right) after collapsing

Mrs Devane, now 33, from Stewartby, Bedfordshire, was kept alive by her boyfriend, now husband, Eammon, (right) after collapsing

Mrs Devane, now 33, from Stewartby, Bedfordshire, was kept alive by her boyfriend, now husband, Eammon, (right) after collapsing

But ten minutes after arriving, Mr. Williams, 55, himself a heart attack.

He was fitted with two stents in hospital and came home to find Mrs Devane had also survived.

She spent 33 days in hospital and was fitted with an implantable defibrillator called an S-ICD, which shocks her heart if she has a repeat seizure.

“It was wonderful to meet Jeremy again,” Ms Devane said.

‘It was nice to sit down and talk to him as we shared this massive life event.’

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