A witch who murdered a pregnant student and stuffed her body in a bag has been given a 30-day holiday from prison to take self-help courses at a shelter.
Victoria Lea Henneberry, 39, who practices witchcraft behind bars, helped kill 26-year-old Inuit student Loretta Saunders in 2014 with her boyfriend Blake Leggette.
Despite the brutal accusations, Henneberry was granted a controversial 30-day release from her life sentence earlier this year.
However, the privilege was quickly revoked after she secretly accessed the Internet and became obsessed with people Googling her.
Henneberry also allegedly manipulated fellow residents into ordering Amazon items for her online, convinced them to Google her heinous crime and hid a phone in a roommate’s pillowcase before deleting its contents, according to documents filed Friday released by the Parole Board of Canada and obtained by police. National Post.
She even raised concerns that she might harm herself when she started acting suspiciously in her shelter
“You started expressing that you felt emotionally overwhelmed. “Your facial expressions began to resemble warning signs of more serious problems as you indicated you did not want to wake up,” the parole board said.
‘Concerns also arose because you did not follow the rules. Even though it was explained to you that according to the rules (unaccompanied temporary absence) you are not allowed to use the internet, you later reluctantly admitted that you did so through other residents.’
Convicted murderer Victoria Henneberry, 28, (pictured) who helped kill a pregnant university student and stuff her body in a hockey bag has had her prison ‘vacation’ canceled after breaking multiple rules and exhibiting disturbing behavior

Victoria Lea Henneberry, 39, who now practices witchcraft behind bars, helped kill 26-year-old Inuit student Loretta Saunders in 2014 with her boyfriend Blake Leggette

Saunders was strangled and beaten to death when she came to collect back rent from Henneberry and her boyfriend Blake Leggette.
Henneberry helped stuff the victim’s body into a hockey bag and coolly dumped it next to a New Brunswick highway.
Now, Henneberry has converted to the Wiccan faith while behind bars, prison records show.
The parole documents exposed Henneberry’s troubled background.
She was taken into care at the age of four after being born to a heroin-addicted mother and moved between foster homes until she was 18.

Victoria Henneberry, 28, is escorted into Halifax Provincial Court in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on Friday, February 28, 2014

Blake Leggette, 25, is escorted into Halifax Provincial Court in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on Friday, February 28, 2014
Officials describe her childhood as “tumultuous” and marked by sexual abuse.
But officials believe her claims of feeling suicidal came suspiciously timed after she was caught with the banned phone – with her probation officer suggesting it could be a ‘manipulation tactic’.
Prison sources said Henneberry became “emotionally unstable” when an inmate discovered her dark past and distanced herself from her.
‘That seems to have contributed to your emotional instability, because you became emotional after a resident visited you and then distanced himself from you.’
She had repeatedly encouraged others to search online for information about her crimes, despite being advised against this behavior.
She initially denied using a phone, but later admitted that she had “asked someone else to find things for her.”
The killer will now return to her maximum security cell in Ontario, where she will serve her life sentence for the brutal murder.

Saunders was strangled and beaten to death when she came to collect back rent from Henneberry and her boyfriend Blake Leggette

Despite the brutal accusations, Henneberry was controversially granted a 30-day release from her life sentence. However, the privilege was quickly revoked after she secretly accessed the internet and became obsessed with people Googling her
During her brief release, she completed a number of rehabilitation programs, but her inability to follow the basic rules ultimately led to their cancellation.
‘You have participated in and attended programs specifically tailored to your needs. You were seen as motivated and interested in the programs. You were seen doing homework for the program all day. Although you were described as insisting on shopping and running errands, you ultimately followed directions that this was not allowed.”