Home Australia Other mothers shame me for being naturally pretty and having a good figure; They’re just jealous because I don’t need lip filler to look good.

Other mothers shame me for being naturally pretty and having a good figure; They’re just jealous because I don’t need lip filler to look good.

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Amee Gleadell of Lincoln says other mothers shame her for being



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A woman who says other mothers shame her for her natural “good looks” and “figure” believes they are simply “jealous” of her.

Amee Gleadell, a Lincoln caterer, says she has always taken pride in her appearance and takes the time to choose a pretty dress and jewelry every day.

She is a mother to her 15-month-old son Arthane, but says other parents judge her at baby groups and are not friendly to her.

But Amee, 35, doesn’t let it hurt her confidence and believes they are just “jealous” that she doesn’t need to get “lip fillers” or “do her hair” to look good.

She wants to stop judging other women’s appearance and said: ‘I take care of myself.

Other mothers shame me for being naturally pretty and having

Amee Gleadell of Lincoln says other mothers shame her for being “naturally beautiful.” In the photo of her with her son Arthane, 15 months.

‘I’m very natural with that. I don’t wear much makeup. I am a natural mother, I have a good figure, I wear dresses and sandals. It makes me feel better.

‘Moms judge you in baby classes. If they look at me, I think it’s jealousy. People are judging me because I haven’t had lip fillers or because I haven’t completely done my hair.’

After giving birth to Arthane, Amee felt it was important to be in good shape for her son.

She said: “I wanted to chase him around the park.” Many mothers sit with their coffee and cake.

“I thought, ‘I’m not going to be that mom.'”

Amee goes to the gym regularly, goes swimming with Arthane, and does yoga every morning to stay in shape.

She added: “I eat very well and usually have shiny toes.”

Amee says she never goes out in scruffy clothes, something she thinks other moms judge her for.

Amee takes time every morning to pick out a pretty dress and jewelry, and says she doesn't understand why other moms don't make the effort.

Amee takes time every morning to pick out a pretty dress and jewelry and says she doesn't understand why other moms don't make the effort.

Amee takes time every morning to pick out a pretty dress and jewelry, and says she doesn’t understand why other moms don’t make the effort.

1712659484 777 Other mothers shame me for being naturally pretty and having

1712659484 777 Other mothers shame me for being naturally pretty and having

Amee, 35, thinks they are just “jealous” that she doesn’t need “lip fillers” or “hair styling” to look good.

Amee goes to the gym regularly, goes swimming with Arthane, and does yoga every morning to stay in shape.

Amee goes to the gym regularly, goes swimming with Arthane, and does yoga every morning to stay in shape.

Amee goes to the gym regularly, goes swimming with Arthane, and does yoga every morning to stay in shape.

Amee says she never goes out in scruffy clothes, something she thinks other moms judge her for.

Amee says she never goes out in scruffy clothes, something she thinks other moms judge her for.

Amee says she never goes out in scruffy clothes, something she thinks other moms judge her for.

She said: ‘I don’t go out in tracksuits. I don’t know why people don’t want to look good or why it doesn’t bother them.

‘But you don’t know what’s going on in other people’s lives. We should just help each other.’

Amee says she is also judged for breastfeeding her child in public (including on the bus, on a bike, and in the playroom) and at work.

She manages to balance motherhood with her busy work life by running a catering business on wheels. It often means that you are cooking while your child is sitting on your hip.

She said: ‘I take my son to work with me. I breastfeed him there. Perverted men stare at you. Other moms judge you.

‘Other people say “she’s breastfeeding and cooking” and judge me for that.

The catering company says she is also being prosecuted for breastfeeding Arthane (pictured) in public.

The catering company says she is also being prosecuted for breastfeeding Arthane (pictured) in public.

The catering company says she is also being prosecuted for breastfeeding Arthane (pictured) in public.

“I’m in control, he’s not going to burn.” It’s natural: he shouldn’t have to cover me.

Amee said her husband, Stephen Cefai, 28, a cartoonist, has always loved her “fun” personality.

She said: ‘I’m having fun. I want to live forever. I know you can’t, but I have this zest for life.

“I want to be an amazing mother and partner.”

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