Home World Nursing home killer films himself suffocating 94-year-old woman by wrapping cling film around her head

Nursing home killer films himself suffocating 94-year-old woman by wrapping cling film around her head

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A nursing home worker has been sentenced to life in prison for suffocating a 94-year-old woman to death. Photo: Uddevalla District Court, Sweden
  • Christopher Johansson, 49, has been sentenced to life in prison for killing a pensioner

A care home worker filmed himself suffocating a 94-year-old woman to death by wrapping cling film around her head, before sending the video to a friend he was trying to impress, a court has heard.

Christopher Johansson, 49, has been sentenced to life in prison for killing an elderly woman during a visit to a nursing home in Strömstad, Sweden.

Parts of the murder sequence were filmed by the 49-year-old and shared in a group for Fortnite players. Express report.

The 94-year-old woman was found dead in her home last November and, as she was believed to have died of natural causes, was cremated and buried.

However, several weeks later the players contacted the police and told them they suspected the woman had been murdered.

Christopher Johansson (pictured), 49, filmed part of the murder and sent it to a friend he was trying to impress.

Christopher Johansson (right), 49, has been sentenced to life in prison for suffocating a 94-year-old woman by wrapping her head in cling film. Pictured left: Uddevalla District Court, Sweden

In a press release from the Uddevalla District Court, it was stated that the woman was very old, physically inferior to Johansson and was defenceless.

“The incident took place at the woman’s home, where the 49-year-old man was working to help the woman. It is likely that the incident occurred in combination with a great fear of death and great suffering on the part of the woman,” the district court wrote.

Speaking to a member of the playgroup, Johansson said she had faced her first death at her home care job in Strömstad municipality.

A few hours later, he wrote to the woman again: ‘Hypothetically, could you be aroused by the power of killing someone that might happen today?’

When she said yes, he sent the woman a video showing parts of the murder.

In the video, which is about three and a half minutes long, the 94-year-old woman can be seen with plastic wrap wrapped around her face. On several occasions, a hand reaches out towards her and grabs her by the neck.

Johansson then turned himself in to police and was charged in May this year.

During the investigation, it was discovered that he had an interest in content depicting murder, torture and other serious violent crimes. However, according to the Medical Examiner’s Office, he was not suffering from any serious mental disorders during the act.

As well as receiving a life sentence, Johansson must also pay damages to the woman’s daughters worth 110,000 Swedish krona (£7,935) each and compensate the estate for funeral costs.

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