Home US Non-binary patient, 27, who underwent ‘Barbie doll’ op to remove all sexual organs reveals how they navigate life without genitals

Non-binary patient, 27, who underwent ‘Barbie doll’ op to remove all sexual organs reveals how they navigate life without genitals

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Non-binary patient, 27, who underwent 'Barbie doll' op to remove all sexual organs reveals how they navigate life without genitals

A transgender person has shared his experience after receiving a new experimental surgery that involves removing all of his external genitalia.

Adrian, 27, from Florida, is non-binary, meaning he does not conform to either male or female, and underwent the operation at a controversial gender clinic in Texas that has been dubbed “Frankenstein’s laboratory.” “.

It is one of the few hospitals in the country to offer genital annulment surgery, a procedure that involves removing all of the external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the stomach to the groin.

A small but hidden opening remains for urine to leave the body. Those born biologically female undergo a hysterectomy, which prevents them from menstruating.

“I had to use a catheter for the first two weeks, but now I urinate normally,” Adrián said two months after the operation.

They describe the procedure, which cost $10,000 upfront, as a “body modification journey” that will transform them into a “non-normative human.”

Genital annulment surgery is a procedure that involves removing all of the external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the stomach to the groin.

Genital annulment involves the removal of all external genitalia, which Twitter user and musician Serena Patrick said was

Genital annulment involves the removal of all external genitalia, which Twitter user and musician Serena Patrick said was “dressing your genitals like a Barbie” (left). With a phallus-sparing vaginoplasty or a vaginal-sparing phalloplasty, the vaginal opening is located just below the base of the penile shaft (right)

Adrian, 27, from Florida, documented his experience with the genital removal procedure, also known as the Nullo or Eunuch procedure, on Reddit.

They said their motivation for undergoing the procedure, performed at the Crane Center last year, was “dysphoria,” defined as a feeling of discomfort or distress suffered by those whose gender identity does not match their sex.

They opted for an annulment because they could not afford a phalloplasty (surgery to construct an artificial penis) or a metoidioplasty, which uses a hormonally enlarged clitoris as the shaft of the penis.

Adrian said they have “a desire to look as alien as possible,” and also expressed interest in having their belly buttons removed.

Adrian was born female and began taking testosterone hormones at age 23 in August 2020.

In 2021, they underwent top surgery and also had their nipples completely removed. Having their nipples removed “also influenced my desire for an annulment,” Adrián said.

“I came out as a queer binary trans man shortly after top surgery,” they wrote on Reddit.

In 2021, they underwent top surgery to remove their nipples and create a more non-binary appearance.

Dr. Curtis Crane, Crane Center plastic surgeon with a patient; It is not known what procedures the aforementioned patient received at the clinic.

Dr. Curtis Crane, Crane Center plastic surgeon with a patient; It is not known what procedures the aforementioned patient received at the clinic.

A less common genital procedure that Dr. Crane did not detail is called penile splitting, a type of body modification that divides the penis into two separate sections at several points. It is not known if the clinic does this.

A less common genital procedure that Dr. Crane did not detail is called penile splitting, a type of body modification that divides the penis into two separate sections at several points. It is not known if the clinic does this.

Penis splitting is done because someone simply likes the way it looks or because they want to increase sexual pleasure. It is not known if the clinic does this.

Penis splitting is done because someone simply likes the way it looks or because they want to increase sexual pleasure. It is not known if the clinic does this.

An illustration from Healthline shows the full shaft split, in which the entire penis is cut into two separate parts. It is not known if the clinic does this.

An illustration from Healthline shows the full shaft split, in which the entire penis is cut into two separate parts. It is not known if the clinic does this.

For born women, the genital annulment procedure may include removal of the vagina, vulva, and clitoris. However, some patients may choose to retain the clitoris to maintain sexual sensation.

Women also previously undergo a hysterectomy, which is an operation to remove all or part of the uterus. The procedure not only stops the menstrual cycle, but also throws the patient into immediate menopause, where patients may have to endure menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats for several months or even years.

Testosterone is administered in an attempt to alleviate symptoms such as low libido and weak bones, but it is only partially effective, experts told DailyMail.com.

Dr. Crane said his practice is a leader in gender surgeries because of his extensive training.

Dr. Crane said his practice is a leader in gender surgeries because of his extensive training.

For men, genital annulment means the removal of the penis, scrotum, and testicles. Typically, the urethra is shortened and an opening is created so patients can still urinate.

Usually the prostate and sperm ducts remain.

Sometimes highly sensitive penile tissue (often used to mold a clitoris in a typical female-to-male gender reassignment procedure) is kept and “buried” above the urethra, like a “hidden” clitoris. .

Patients who have their vagina completely removed as part of surgery cannot have vaginal intercourse.

Some patients choose to have anal sex. Adrian’s procedure involved having his vaginal canal completely removed, meaning the only opening is the urethra.

Recovery from the procedure is said to take approximately nine weeks. Symptoms after the operation are mainly limited to swelling around the area.

What is a ‘null’?

A ‘nullo’, also known as a ‘smoothie’, is someone who has undergone extreme body modification by having their genitals and sometimes their nipples surgically removed.

Although the procedure is mainly performed by men, there are women who also voluntarily have their vagina sutured and their clitoris removed.

There are said to be amateur ‘cutters’ in the UK and around the world, but many go to the US to have surgery.

A clinic in California charges around $10,000 plus hospital expenses. There are clinics in Mexico and hospitals that are willing to do a castration with no questions asked.

Experts believe that there are between 10,000 and 15,000 volunteer eunuchs, and that more than half of them resorted to DIY surgery or the services of a cutter.

The patient says he was able to sleep because he was prescribed the sedative Ambien.

Sexual stimulation is still possible, but it is “greatly reduced because you only have the clitoral nerve.” But they said they “have no interest in sexual simulation.”

‘I have never had an orgasm in my life and I don’t want to. I have a minimal feeling because I didn’t want to feel “dead” down there.

“Some relief is possible, but climax is not.”

There are believed to be between 10,000 and 15,000 voluntary ‘nulls’ worldwide, although the actual number is unknown.

Surprisingly, two-thirds never tell anyone that they don’t have genitals, not even their families, according to a 2014 academic study.

Some critics have expressed concern that the procedure bears disturbing similarities to practices of female genital mutilation, which more than 12,000 girls still risk every day, usually in countries in Africa and the Middle East, as a means of suppressing sexuality. feminine.

In some of these cases, a girl’s vagina is narrowed or even closed with stitches, although these procedures are usually performed outside of medical facilities, leaving them vulnerable to a number of infections.

DailyMail.com recently revealed the extent of surgeries offered by clinics such as Crane Center, which has been criticized for performing hundreds of unconventional genital surgeries that many experts describe as “dangerous.”

One of the other non-binary procedures performed by the center is known as phallus-sparing vaginoplasty, which is performed on biological men who want to keep their penis while adding a vagina.

A vaginal preservation phalloplasty is the opposite: it builds a penis for the person without surgically removing the vagina.

In people who undergo either of these surgeries, the vaginal opening is located just below the base of the penile shaft.

A patient from Ontario, Canada, recently obtained public funding for her phallus-sparing vaginoplasty procedure.

Denying the procedure would infringe a person’s Charter right to security, an Ontario court said in its ruling.

Jay Richards, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, previously told DailyMail.com: ‘Non-binary and annulment surgeries reveal the sheer insanity of gender ideology.

‘It all started with surgeries to make men look like women and vice versa. But it doesn’t end there, because the ideological definition of “gender identity” is completely disconnected from our sexual bodies.

“It reduces the human person to a mere internal sense of gender, which has no limiting principle and can therefore mean anything.”

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