Home Australia Newborn buried alive by mother, 23, miraculously survives and escapes unscathed after spending SIX HOURS trapped beneath soil

Newborn buried alive by mother, 23, miraculously survives and escapes unscathed after spending SIX HOURS trapped beneath soil

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A newborn baby was buried alive by her mother in Uganda but miraculously survived after being trapped underground for six hours.
  • The baby was found after relatives saw traces of blood in a garden
  • Doctors found the newborn still attached to the umbilical cord.
  • She was buried overnight in Ghana and was not found until 11am the next day.



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A newborn baby miraculously survived and spent six hours trapped underground after being buried alive by her mother.

The 23-year-old mother from Uganda buried her baby in a garden moments after giving birth without medical assistance.

A case report from January states that the newborn girl was buried overnight and was not discovered until 11 a.m. the next day.

The mother’s relatives had discovered gruesome trails of blood in the garden near her family home, which led them directly to the burial site.

After making an urgent call to emergency services, doctors rushed to the home to rescue the trapped baby who was found still attached to the placenta.

A newborn baby was buried alive by her mother in Uganda but miraculously survived after being trapped underground for six hours.

A newborn baby was buried alive by her mother in Uganda but miraculously survived after being trapped underground for six hours.

The baby was found covered in cuts and bruises after being pulled out of the ground

The baby was found covered in cuts and bruises after being pulled out of the ground

The baby was found covered in cuts and bruises after being pulled out of the ground

Miraculously, the baby also showed signs of limb movement when touched and was breathing worryingly shallowly.

Horror images showed the boy covered in deep cuts and bruises, after the pressure of being trapped underground overnight.

Covered in mud and blood, the baby was carried out of the makeshift grave as doctors rushed to save her.

They immediately cleaned the baby and separated her from the placenta by clamping and cutting the rest of the umbilical cord.

He was discharged from the hospital six days later and now lives with his grandmother.

He was discharged from the hospital six days later and now lives with his grandmother.

He was discharged from the hospital six days later and now lives with his grandmother.

With tension rising, they waited for any other sign of life until a few minutes passed and the newborn let out a weak cry.

According to the case report, the girl was cold to the touch and her skin had turned ‘bluish’ after being buried overnight.

In Ghana, from October to April, the weather at night can drop to 10°C.

Rescuers desperately wrapped the girl in towels before rushing her to a local hospital for further checks.

When she arrived, the baby showed more signs of life and cried vigorously, much to the relief of the doctors.

The newborn had been cleaned at the scene, but doctors rushed to sterilize wounds that still had traces of dirt in an attempt to save the child from developing infections.

She was placed in an incubator and given oxygen through nasal prongs as doctors marveled at how the little girl had survived the ordeal.

Subsequent examinations revealed that he had not suffered injuries to his heart, stomach or any other organs.

Just six days later, the newborn was discharged from the hospital and was breathing normally again without oxygen supply within 24 hours.

The newborn is now being raised by her grandmother, after local authorities arrested her mother for attempted infanticide.

She was then reportedly placed in a correctional facility before being transferred to a psychiatric facility.

It comes after a newborn baby was rescued after being buried alive on an Indian farm in November 2020.

Footage showed the baby being pulled out of the ground after being spotted by a laborer working in the fields in the Khatima area, near the border with Nepal.

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