Home Australia Neighborhood terrified over ‘cryptic’ gang signs on houses discover hysterical truth

Neighborhood terrified over ‘cryptic’ gang signs on houses discover hysterical truth

A Chicago neighborhood thought they were being terrorized by a local gang, only to find out they were only being targeted by Taylor Swift fans.

A Chicago neighborhood thought they were being terrorized by a local gang, only to find out they were just victims of living in a neighborhood full of Swifties.

TikTok user Olivia Roberts posted the hilarious misunderstanding on the platform, revealing that some concerned neighbors posted in the local Facebook group, trying to find out if they were being attacked.

‘Does anyone know what this symbol is?’ she read.

“We saw it in our house a couple of weeks ago with orange chalk, we cleaned it up and now it’s back in the same place, same symbol in blue chalk,” he read, adding that people posted anonymously for safety reasons.

Helpful neighborhood warriors chimed in and told where they thought the mysterious symbol might come from.

A Chicago neighborhood thought they were being terrorized by a local gang, only to find out they were only being targeted by Taylor Swift fans.

‘I was going to say tdm, which is a tagging team in Chicago, but if it is, they definitely didn’t do it right. I circled it in red in the image,” one user commented.

Olivia then dramatically revealed the symbol, which was TTPD, or the symbol used for Taylor Swift’s latest album, The Tortured Poets Department.

“Be careful guys, there’s a gang of Swifties terrorizing the South Loop,” he joked.

“No one is safe.”

In a comment, Olivia explained that the symbols were written in chalk and that there is an elementary school three blocks away, which could explain why it keeps showing up.

Taylor Swift fans loved the hilarious revelation, with more than 1,000 people commenting on the misunderstanding.

“I laughed when you revealed it, but I really understand that if you don’t know what it is, it’s scary if it shows up in the same place again, especially if that area has a gang problem,” one user noted.

“I was expecting this to go down the “mark your house for a home invasion” route, but I was pleasantly surprised that instead it went in the “broadcast me in a cloud of glowing dust” direction,” laughed another.

Olivia revealed the symbol - which was TTPD - or the symbol used for Taylor Swift's latest album, The Tortured Poets Department

Olivia revealed the symbol – which was TTPD – or the symbol used for Taylor Swift’s latest album, The Tortured Poets Department

1728510606 849 Neighborhood terrified over cryptic gang signs on houses discover hysterical

1728510607 181 Neighborhood terrified over cryptic gang signs on houses discover hysterical

1728510607 852 Neighborhood terrified over cryptic gang signs on houses discover hysterical

Taylor Swift fans loved the hilarious revelation, with more than 1,000 people commenting on the misunderstanding.

Taylor Swift fans loved the hilarious revelation, with more than 1,000 people commenting on the misunderstanding.

The 14-time Grammy winner debuted the double album release The Anthology on April 18, all 31 tracks occupying the top 14 of the Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously for the first time in chart history.

The 14-time Grammy winner debuted the double album release The Anthology on April 18, all 31 tracks occupying the top 14 of the Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously for the first time in chart history.

‘This is a big troll. “I need more people to do this on their neighborhood Facebook groups and report back please,” said another.

Others noted the hilarity of the situation, although they acknowledged that it would be worrying if someone kept tagging the same symbol on their house, especially if it was to signal someone to burglarize it.

‘To be fair, having someone tag your building twice in exactly the same place with a symbol you don’t recognize is actually pretty creepy. Like, it turned out to be stupid, but I would be nervous too…” wrote one user.

The 14-time Grammy winner debuted the double-album release The Anthology on April 18, with all 31 tracks topping the Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously for the first time in chart history.

“The Department of Tortured Poets (is) an anthology of new works reflecting events, opinions and feelings from a fleeting, fatalistic moment in time, one that was both sensational and painful in equal measure,” Swift, who has 551.3 million followers on social networks. – wrote in April.

‘This period of the author’s life is now over, the chapter is closed and walled up. There is nothing to avenge, no scores to settle once the wounds have healed. And upon further reflection, a good number of them turned out to be self-inflicted.

‘This writer firmly believes that our tears become sacred in the form of ink on a page. Once we have told our saddest story, we can free ourselves from it. And then all that remains is tortured poetry.

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