Home Australia Nat Barr confronts Mark Humphries on Sunrise: ‘Who let you into the building?’

Nat Barr confronts Mark Humphries on Sunrise: ‘Who let you into the building?’

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Comedian Mark Humphries (pictured left) appeared on Sunrise on Friday morning with Natalie Barr (pictured centre) and Matt Shirvington.

Sunrise presenter Nat Barr has clashed with new colleague Mark Humphries after the comedian debuted a controversial new satirical segment on 7News.

Humphries’ new comedy segment, titled The 6:57pm News, airs after the 7News bulletin on Fridays and has already sparked controversy, with many Australians criticising it.

“It was a deplorable segment that has no place in a news bulletin,” said one.

“At least now everyone has time to take a shit and have a hot chocolate before Home and Away starts,” said another.

Although there were fans.

“It made me think of Clarke and Dawe and their brilliance,” said one, referring to the Channel 9 and then ABC satirical news show that ended in 2017.

“I loved this,” said another.

“Better than The Project,” was another comment.

Humphries appeared in an interview with Barr and co-host Matt Shirvington on Friday morning, during which Barr bluntly asked, “Can we clarify who let you into the building?”

Comedian Mark Humphries (pictured left) appeared on Sunrise on Friday morning with Natalie Barr (pictured centre) and Matt Shirvington.

“I’m as surprised as you are,” Humphries replied. “In fact, when I first got here, Matt, I saw your locker room, and Matt Carmichaels’ and Matt Dorans’.

“And I thought, do they hire people who aren’t cool? But then I saw Mark Beretta and I thought, well, I think I’ll be okay.”

In a wide-ranging discussion, Barr introduced Humphries as “the most talked-about man in the news. And no, it’s not Donald Trump.”

Humphries told Barr and Shirvington he was impressed by the size of the studio at Seven compared to the studio at his last employer.

“Because I was at ABC, and the taxpayers will be delighted to know that the movie was shot in a shoebox, but this is an aircraft carrier, so I love it.”

Barr asked Humphries how he decides which stories to cover each week.

“It’s very easy. I just Google what Barnaby Joyce has done this week and that’s all I’m left with,” he joked.

Mark Humphries (pictured) has spoken about how he is gaining new fans around the world on social media after mocking Donald Trump in a recent segment on Seven's Friday night news bulletin.

Mark Humphries (pictured) has spoken about how he is gaining new fans around the world on social media after mocking Donald Trump in a recent segment on Seven’s Friday night news bulletin.

“You’re just looking for that magical story that has a little spark and you feel like it can somehow start ideas coming out.”

Humphries spoke about how he is gaining new fans around the world on social media after mocking Donald Trump in a recent segment.

“I’m gonna sound like an old man when I say this, but I’m killing it on TikTok.”

“I think we’re close to hitting a million views with the latest segment, because I think there are a lot of Americans who don’t like Donald Trump.”

“And that segment is doing well.”

“Better than The Project,” was another comment.

As for the reaction, Humphries previously said he’s trying to take it all in stride.

“The worst thing anyone has ever said about me that sticks with me is, ‘I look like a Ken doll gone wrong!'” she said, laughing.

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