Home Australia Naked man kills runner while “attacking several people” in Swiss park

Naked man kills runner while “attacking several people” in Swiss park

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A woman was killed by a “naked, screaming” man in Switzerland while he “attacked several people” in a Swiss park.

According to local reports, the runner was attacked on Tuesday afternoon shortly before 8:00 p.m. in the Villa Alma park in Männedorf.

Passersby had raised the alarm when the man, 19, began attacking people at random, and when police arrived at the scene, they discovered the Swiss woman lying on the ground in a critical condition.

The perpetrator, also Swiss, was found in the park and was immediately arrested by the police.

Local reports claim the young man attacked the woman “loudly and completely naked” before being detained.

According to a local, the lifeless woman was lying in the grass along the shore of Lake Zurich when she was found.

But tragically, despite immediate resuscitation attempts, the runner died at the scene from her serious injuries.

She has not yet been identified.

‘It can’t be a swimming accident because the place is not easily accessible. “It’s a narrow place that can only be reached by a narrow staircase,” he said. click.

Another stunned resident spoke of his shock after the ordeal, saying: ‘There are a lot of young people out in this park at night.

‘It’s crazy what happened here. “I was very surprised when I found out this morning.”

According to police, the alleged perpetrator also injured another woman on Tuesday night, who suffered minor injuries.

Police are still investigating what exactly the teen used to hurt the victim in Tuesday’s attacks and have not yet provided any details about the man.

This is breaking news. More to follow.

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