Home Health NADINE DORRIES: AI bots have written books about me too, so I sympathise with the King

NADINE DORRIES: AI bots have written books about me too, so I sympathise with the King

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One of the books written by IA about King's cancer

Within hours of King Charles’ cancer diagnosis being revealed last Monday, AI-generated books detailing inaccurate, insensitive and intrusive claims about his condition appeared for sale online.

The palace announced that the king was consulting his lawyers to counter this scandalous invasion of his privacy.

Cobbled together from a variety of Internet sources, the books are nothing more than computer-created lies. The intimate conversations they supposedly detail between the King and his doctors are, in fact, a rehash of social media sites and other online sources, where people have chosen to share their experiences of cancer treatment.

One can only imagine how distressing all of this is for Charles and the rest of the Royal Family. But he is not alone.

Very soon after my own book, The Plot: The Political Assassination Of Boris Johnson, was published last November, I was horrified to discover that Amazon was selling AI-produced biographies of me, which cost £12.50 and included sensational adverts.

An AI-generated biography of Nadine Dorries that appeared on Amazon

One of the books written by IA about King’s cancer on Amazon

One such title, Nadine Dorries’ Biographical Book: The Untold Story of the Outspoken Minister Boris Johnson Who Shaked Things Up, claimed to be a “fascinating masterpiece”.

Needless to say, I didn’t approve of any of these fakes. Even after my complaints to Amazon, the ‘Biography Book’ is still for sale, supposedly without contravening the website’s guidelines.

A photograph of a woman appears on the cover, possibly generated by the AI ​​itself. She has strangely familiar features like platinum hair, blue eyes, similar bone structure, and prominent cheekbones, but she’s certainly not me.

The palace announced that the king was consulting his lawyers to counter this scandalous invasion of his privacy. In the photo: Charles and Camilla on Sunday.

The palace announced that the king was consulting his lawyers to counter this scandalous invasion of his privacy. In the photo: Charles and Camilla on Sunday.

This book aims to reveal the “multifaceted layers of Dorries’ life, chronicling his rise to success, his political ideology and his unwavering determination to make a difference.”

Instead, it is a compilation of newspaper clippings and other sources stitched together by an artificial intelligence robot.

It broke my heart to read an Amazon review from someone who had bought it for his wife for Christmas, along with his purchase of The Plot.

“The book is A4 size, very large print and 65 pages,” he wrote.

‘Anyone could read this in less than an hour. . . Clearly, a quick money-making opportunity for the publisher. I only gave it 1 star, since you can’t give less.’

It horrifies me to think that people are being scammed by this technology-generated garbage, believing that it is something that I have produced or sanctioned.

Consumers, authors (and the king himself) must now be protected from such nonsense, and I hope that is where the royal lawyers will focus their attention.

It’s no secret that the reason Jeff Bezos launched Amazon selling books was because the well-to-do middle classes buy them and, he reasoned, once they felt comfortable buying books on his website, they would use it for everything else. also.

Amazon is now the world’s hypermarket and was built through the sweat and labor of writers.

The company keeps up to 65 percent of the price of each of these fake books sold on its platform.

It is necessary to modify the law. All AI work should be clearly labeled so consumers know what they are buying.

That way, we can decide for ourselves whether or not to waste our money and instead always choose the real thing.

Don’t be fooled by senior Labor figures chattering to the City into believing they have become the party of growth and prosperity. If they win the next election, everything will go back to normal as soon as they stop popping the (socialist) champagne. The unions that fund the party will make the decisions and Starmer, as was the case with so many Labor leaders before him, will have no choice but to give in to his demands. Before long our economy will be in a much worse state.

The worst kept secret in Westminster is that Rishi Sunak, who desperately wanted to become Prime Minister, now absolutely hates the job. What a miserable situation you find yourself in! Maybe there will be early elections.

If Rishi hates him that much, I can’t see him staying in the UK over the summer break, and the polls are getting worse with each passing month. It’s better to leave now and at least let some of the group survive and regroup. We now hear that he has no intention of asking Boris for help, even though Boris won two London mayoral elections when the Conservatives, under David Cameron, were trailing in the polls.

The Brexit referendum took off when Boris joined the campaign to leave the EU and, of course, won an overwhelming majority of 80 seats in the 2019 general election. In the words of a former ministerial colleague: “Get over yourself, Rishi, and choose pick up the phone.

Why do snowdrops make me cry?

Snowdrops come to life in the middle of winter

Snowdrops come to life in the middle of winter

When British soldiers returned from the Crimean War in the 1850s, they arrived with pockets full of bluebell bulbs, native to the lands in which they had fought. Walking the dogs through our small village cemetery on Sunday, I noticed that many of the older graves around the perimeter were covered in white blankets of snowdrops.

Unexpectedly I found my eyes filling with tears. The long-forgotten graves, neglected, with no living relatives to lay flowers, were more beautiful than the more recent additions, including my late husband’s.

I intend to correct that and have ordered supplies of snowdrop bulbs to plant next year knowing that when I finally meet him there we will make a flowering display together.

Congratulations to the royal substitutes

The women of the Royal Family are doing what women always do in a crisis: put their heads down and keep the show going. At a conference in Texas over the weekend, Fergie, who, like the King, is battling cancer, assured the crowd that “everything will be okay and we will keep fighting.”

Meanwhile, Queen Camilla and Princess Anne, aged 76 and 73 respectively, are working grueling hours to ensure no one is disappointed while Charles receives treatment and Kate recovers from her recent abdominal surgery. Just one look at Camilla and Anne’s schedules left me needing to lie down.

We should consider ourselves lucky to have two such indomitable women among our royalty. I just hope they both get the support they deserve – their health is important too.

Actor Ralph Fiennes is absolutely right: “trigger warnings” in theaters are absurd. Of course, audiences should be shocked and disturbed…and laugh and cry at what they see on stage. That’s what theater is for, to awaken emotions and elevate you to another world. Trigger warnings are just as bad as spoilers. Where has all the fun gone in this crazy waking world?

Taylor Swift made the mammoth trip from Japan to Las Vegas over the weekend to see her boyfriend Travis Kelce play in the Super Bowl, flying across nine time zones to do so. Along the way she had to deal with a problem with the bathroom cistern on her private jet. She just proves that no matter how rich you are, everyone needs a good plumber.

Don’t you wish you were still dating Nicole, Lewis?

Nicole Scherzinger, 45, won an award for her role in Sunset Boulevard over the weekend. (Pictured in Cannes in May last year)

Nicole Scherzinger, 45, won an award for her role in Sunset Boulevard over the weekend. In the photo: In Cannes in May last year.

Former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger dazzled as she collected her award for Best Performer in a Musical (for Sunset Boulevard) at Sunday’s WhatsOnStage ceremony. At 45 years old, she has never looked so sexy. I can only imagine that Lewis Hamilton and all the other exes must be kicking themselves, while her fiancé, former Scottish rugby player Thom Evans, won the catch of a lifetime from him.

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