More questions are being raised about Dr Anthony Fauci’s links to the Covid lab leak theory after the release of a series of new emails.
The 83-year-old former White House adviser was hit with a series of new accusations this week, including that he secretly conspired with the CIA to squash debate over the origins of the virus.
The leaked documents also showed that Dr. Fauci’s top advisor intentionally attempted to conceal his discussions about the genesis of the virus using his personal email.
And now, new messages show that Dr. Fauci was engaged in some form of “damage control” at the time his department was being investigated over funding the Chinese lab feared to have started the pandemic.
The April 2020 email, sent between Dr. Fauci’s assistant and an outside group that distributed government grants to China, suggests they were concerned about backlash stemming from the research.
Dr. Anthony Fauci (speaking to in July 2023)

Dr. Peter Daszak (pictured left alongside Dr. Anthony Fauci) is behind the EcoHealth Alliance at the center of concerns about the origins of Covid.
EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Dr. Peter Daszak, helped fund research at the Wuhan lab using grants from Dr. Fauci’s department, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
The lab had enjoyed some $3.3 million in U.S. taxpayer funding since 2014 to conduct experiments on bat coronaviruses.
In late 2019, the virus that would eventually trigger a global pandemic emerged in Wuhan with the first cases linked to a seafood market just eight miles from the laboratory.
In April 2020, when 787,000 Americans fell ill and 42,000 died from Covid, EcoHealth ran into a regulatory problem.
Dr. Michael Lauer, deputy director of Extramural Research at the NIH, told EcoHealth at the time that its grant funding for the now-infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology would be put on hold.
Funding would not be restored until EcoHealth could comply a long list of criteriaincluding to provide the coronavirus sample the lab used to sequence what soon became a global pandemic and to share with the NIH how the lab responded to concerns raised by the State Department in 2018 about lab safety.

Pictured: The Wuhan Institute of Virology, where scientists engineered viruses.
Lauer also wanted to know why WIV didn’t mention that the RaTG13 virus, similar to SARS-CoV-2, was found in a mine where people fell ill with a Covid-like illness in 2012, and why they didn’t follow up. in this.
Dr. Lauer further demanded that EcoHealth Alliance establish an independent inspection team to check WIV facilities and records, especially to see if they had the SARS-CoV-2 virus before December 2019.
The team would be asked to review all WIV field work, such as collecting animals and samples from caves or outdoor areas.
In recently released emails between President Peter Daszak and NIAID Chief Scientific Advisor Dr. David Morens, who worked closely with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the two discussed the government’s guidelines for conducting virus research called the Strategic Plan. for Covid-19 Research.
Daszak insisted that the research being carried out in Wuhan complied with government regulations for safe experimentation.
But the disruption in funding apparently worried Dr. Fauci, who led the department tasked with distributing grants to organizations like EcoHealth.
At the time, Dr. Fauci had also come under increasing criticism for what he knew and what he didn’t know about the origins of the devastating virus.
Dr. Morens wrote to Daszak: “Even if you remain silent, you should clearly document these things for possible future use, in your own defense and for history.
Tony [Fauci] I think he’s fully aware now and I’m told I’m involved in some kind of damage control, but again I’m not aware.
This is around the same time Dr. Fauci is reported to have made clandestine trips to CIA headquarters in Virginia off the record to meet with Covid researchers and, according to Senate Republicans, “influence” the investigation of the origins of Covid.
Peter Daszak, for his part, now maintains that there was There is nothing suspicious about the emails when read in their entirety, and they show that EcoHealth ‘was appropriately communicating with senior NIH staff, or those who previously worked at NIH, to try to identify ways to reinstate a grant. which had been canceled unexpectedly and arbitrarily. then suspended with onerous conditions.’