Home Australia My boss tried to send me home from work because my male colleagues were ‘distracted’ by my hard nipples… but the freezing office air con was to blame

My boss tried to send me home from work because my male colleagues were ‘distracted’ by my hard nipples… but the freezing office air con was to blame

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A young woman became enraged when her boss asked her to leave the office because her 'hard nipples' were 'distracting' her male colleagues.

A young woman was left speechless when her boss asked her to leave the office because her “hard nipples” were “distracting” her male colleagues.

The 27-year-old engineer shared that her office’s air conditioner had been “freezing” for a month before she placed a work order to raise the temperature.

While she brought a sweater to work to deal with the cold, she no longer felt the need for an extra layer after the temperature rose again.

Weeks later, the air conditioning went down again.

‘I wasn’t prepared because it was hot enough after I applied. “I didn’t dress for the colder temperature and was wearing pants with a thin white blouse,” she said.

“I was so cold that my nipples became visible through my shirt… to the point that it bothered one of my coworkers so much that he had to go complain to my boss, who told me to work from home or come back.” “. And change.’

A young woman became enraged when her boss asked her to leave the office because her ‘hard nipples’ were ‘distracting’ her male colleagues.

The woman was “extremely frustrated” by the pathetic ultimatum.

‘I had work I had to do in person and I didn’t have time to go home, change and come back. On top of that, my boss told me about this in front of my coworkers,” he said.

Enraged, the woman said she wouldn’t do any of those things and asked to work in a conference room.

But the colleague who complained also disagreed with this.

‘He said [my nipples] They were distracting and unprofessional, suggested I “stop being a jerk and so sensitive to the temperature,” and then admitted to asking the building to lower the temperature.

The outburst angered the woman even more.

‘I told him he needed to grow up and that he could go home if the shape of my nipples showing through my shirt bothered him so much.

‘My manager called me before I left for the day and told me he understood my frustration but that my outburst was unprofessional. “He told me that he needed to apologize to my coworker, but I declined and hung up the call,” he said.

Many were baffled, with some claiming the woman was being “unreasonable.”

‘Can’t you just bring a jacket and leave it at work? “There is no reason for this to be an ongoing problem,” one wrote.

One man said, “Coming from someone who is hot all the time, isn’t it easier to have a sweater in the office to wear instead of uncomfortably keeping everyone else warm?”

Others said it was inappropriate to lift a woman’s nipples and demand that she “cover up.”

“If someone doesn’t want to see hard nipples, maybe they should try not to look at your chest,” one said.

‘Throwing a tantrum over a pair of nipples as a grown man is ridiculous. “He is the one who made it colder knowing you requested otherwise,” wrote another.

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