Home Australia My best friend of 10 years has been hospitalized with cancer, but I refuse to babysit her children.

My best friend of 10 years has been hospitalized with cancer, but I refuse to babysit her children.

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A woman has been criticized as

A woman has been slammed as “selfish” and “evil” for refusing to look after her friend’s children after the other woman had been hospitalised with cancer.

Anna* said that although she felt “upset” about not being able to help, she simply couldn’t leave her dogs home alone to go and look after her friend’s children.

“My best friend has cancer and needs to be hospitalized because she has an infection in her uterus. She has been putting off the visit for four days because she has children and her (partner) works for both of them,” she shared. online.

“I feel really bad because she needs someone to look after the children and I can’t do it. I have dogs and I can’t leave them to go to her house.”

The friend offered to leave her children at Anna’s house, but that brought with it another set of problems.

‘(My grandmother) says no because she doesn’t want to deal with them. Now I’m angry because I just told my best friend of 10 years that I can’t babysit her kids because my grandmother thinks they’ll make a mess.’

After being criticised for choosing her pets over her sick friend, Anna claimed it was an unfair comparison.

‘(I choose a dog over my best friend who has cancer) because if that means I come back and my dogs are no longer there or not being cared for, there’s no comparison.

“Neither one is more or less than the other. Just say that you don’t value the lives of animals and move on.”

A woman has been slammed as “selfish” and “evil” for refusing to look after her friend’s children after the other woman had been hospitalised with cancer.

Hundreds of people were horrified by Anna’s attitude.

“Wow, choosing a dog over your best friend who has cancer is crazy. I would ditch that friend,” said one.

“I would give anything to spend time with my best friend who passed away from cancer. She retired before receiving treatment and I would have jumped at the chance to help her in this way. That woman is not a friend,” said another.

“It’s pathetic… she’s not even my friend but if I lived nearby I would go support and comfort HER friend. Imagine spending decades supporting your friend only to be left alone and scared as you slowly die of cancer,” a third noted.

Some pointed out how he tried to blame his grandmother for the problem.

“I love how they try to make Grandma look like the bad guy when they themselves put dogs before their best friend. It’s also strange to think that Grandma is so concerned about ‘mess’ but allows dogs to be present,” wrote one woman.

Another added: “Also, why can’t grandma take care of the dogs? They live there. She probably lets them out often and feeds them… so what? I don’t understand where she thinks the dogs are going to go.”

*Names have been changed for privacy reasons.

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