Home Life Style ‘My baby was everything’ Brooklyn mom mourns death of 14-year-old son shot to death by cousin

‘My baby was everything’ Brooklyn mom mourns death of 14-year-old son shot to death by cousin

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'My baby was everything' Brooklyn mom mourns death of 14-year-old son shot to death by cousin

Tiffany Grant, a heartbroken mother, shared her anguish with The charge following the tragic death of his 14-year-old son, Jasai Guy, shot to death by his 12-year-old cousin in Brooklyn. Jasai’s untimely death has left his family and community in deep grief, as his belongings remain intact, symbolizing the suddenness of the loss.

“The clothes I washed are on his bed waiting for me to put them away,” Grant said through tears, emphasizing the void left by his son. The incident occurred on a seemingly normal Sunday morning at her paternal grandfather’s house in Brownsville, where Jasai and her cousin were playing. The play turned tragic when a shotgun, supposedly belonging to Jasai’s firefighter father, accidentally went off, hitting Jasai in the chest.

In a devastating revelation, the younger cousin told police: “I shot my cousin by accident, I don’t want him to die,” highlighting the horror of the moment. NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny detailed the scene, describing the modified shotgun and physical evidence at the scene. “The shotgun itself is altered. Both the barrel and the stock were cut to make it smaller,” Kenny explained, adding that the shotgun had a spent shell casing and five live bullets inside.

As the community grapples with this tragedy, legal proceedings unfold. The 12-year-old cousin has been charged with criminally negligent homicide and criminal possession of a weapon. He appeared in Brooklyn Family Court and was released to his mother pending further hearings.

Meanwhile, Jasai’s family faces immense pain. Grant recalled Jasai’s bright and creative personality, his love of basketball and his recent enthusiasm for switching from glasses to contact lenses. She fondly remembered him as “Cool Guy Sai,” a nickname that reflected his charm and popularity.

The tragedy has also deeply affected Jasai’s younger sister, Kennedy, who at only 7 years old is trying to understand her brother’s absence. She has taken on the role of “the comfort helper,” offering hugs to those grieving around her.

As the family prepares to face their new reality without Jasai, Grant is determined to honor her memory beyond the circumstances of her death. “Besides that, it’s who he was. And I am going to tell that story,” she declared, committed to preserving the essence of her son’s life in the hearts of those who knew him. This tragic event serves as a painful reminder of the dangers of firearms, particularly in homes with children, and the irreversible consequences that can arise from mishandling it.

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