Home Australia Mum’s boyfriend allegedly pours kettle of boiling hot water on baby boy in Dubbo, NSW – causing severe burns that required 13 surgeries

Mum’s boyfriend allegedly pours kettle of boiling hot water on baby boy in Dubbo, NSW – causing severe burns that required 13 surgeries

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A man was refused bail in the New South Wales Supreme Court (pictured) on Monday after he allegedly poured a kettle full of boiling water over a toddler, causing almost 50 per cent burns. of the body.

A boy underwent 13 surgeries for burns on almost 50 per cent of his body after his mother’s boyfriend allegedly soaked him in boiling water, a court heard.

The man was preparing to bathe his partner’s son in the sink of a house in Dubbo, central New South Wales, when the incident occurred in October 2019.

Police allege that he deliberately poured a kettle full of boiling water over the child’s head, neck and back while the child was sitting at the sink wearing only a diaper.

The boy suffered burns to almost 50 per cent of his body and underwent 13 skin graft surgeries, with more expected as he gets older, according to documents filed in the New South Wales Supreme Court.

A man was refused bail in the New South Wales Supreme Court (pictured) on Monday after he allegedly poured a kettle full of boiling water over a toddler, causing almost 50 per cent burns. of the body.

Police allege the man did not call an ambulance and left the child to be treated by another family member at the home.

The boy was treated with Panadol, Nurofen and Sudocream before being taken to Dubbo Base Hospital.

Doctors immediately treated the boy for burns on his scalp, face, chest, back, genitals, legs and arms and alerted the police.

Detectives investigated the incident and consulted four experts about the burn patterns on the boy’s body.

Three experts rejected the man’s claims, explaining that the burn pattern was consistent with water being poured over the boy’s head and flowing down his body.

A doctor claimed there were no splash marks and said the size of the burn indicated a deliberate act.

It will be alleged that the man was preparing to bathe his partner's son in the sink of a Dubbo home when the incident occurred in October 2019. The man denies any wrongdoing and claims the boy poured the water on himself to scold when I was outside the bathroom. room (archive image)

It will be alleged that the man was preparing to bathe his partner’s son in the sink of a Dubbo home when the incident occurred in October 2019. The man denies any wrongdoing and claims the boy poured the water on himself to scold when I was outside the bathroom. room (archive image)

He added that it was not “even remotely possible” that the incident had happened in the way the man claims, as there was “no way” the boy could have picked up a full teapot and poured it over his head.

The doctor, however, could not conclude whether the injuries were sustained by accident or as a result of foul play.

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared in the New South Wales Supreme Court on Monday seeking bail so he can deal with his drug and alcohol addictions ahead of his trial in September. of 2024. Daily Telegraph reported.

Judge Stephen Rothman denied the man bail due to the seriousness of the allegations and the risk of witness interference.

“The circumstances are at best tragic from the applicant’s point of view; at worst horrific,” Judge Rothman said.

“I’m not convinced that the (bail) conditions I could impose are met.”

However, the court was told the man denies any wrongdoing and claims to have told the social worker at the time that the boy poured water on himself to scold him.

He claims to have been outside the room when the boy stood at the sink and lifted the kettle off the top of the nearby washing machine before spilling the contents on himself.

The court also heard the man had a long criminal history involving domestic violence offences, a charge of escaping police custody and failing to comply with court orders.

Police arrested the man in November 2022 and charged him with recklessly causing grievous bodily harm and willfully failing to provide a child with the necessities of life.

He was in preventive detention and his trial will be held in September of this year.

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