Home Australia Mother of the bride URGES her daughter to change the date of her wedding after she scheduled the ceremony on the two-year anniversary of a horrific car crash that claimed the lives of THREE relatives

Mother of the bride URGES her daughter to change the date of her wedding after she scheduled the ceremony on the two-year anniversary of a horrific car crash that claimed the lives of THREE relatives

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A mother has wondered if she was wrong to tell her daughter to change her wedding date after she booked their nuptials on the second anniversary of a horrific car crash that claimed the lives of three family members (file image)

A mother has questioned whether she was wrong to tell her daughter to change her wedding date after she booked their nuptials on the second anniversary of a horrific car crash that claimed the lives of three family members.

The anonymous mother, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit to detail the latest argument between her and her daughter Betty, 25, who will soon marry her fiancé.

He explained that despite her better judgment, Betty decided to host their wedding on the second anniversary of a fatal car accident that killed the bride-to-be’s grandmother, uncle and cousin.

After Betty received a barrage of messages from family members rejecting her wedding invitations, she directed her anger at her mother for not directing them to attend.

Now, in a thread titled, ‘Am I the idiot?’ The mother questioned whether she was to blame for siding with her family and telling her daughter to change her wedding date.

A mother has wondered if she was wrong to tell her daughter to change her wedding date after she booked their nuptials on the second anniversary of a horrific car crash that claimed the lives of three family members (file image)

A mother has wondered if she was wrong to tell her daughter to change her wedding date after she booked their nuptials on the second anniversary of a horrific car crash that claimed the lives of three family members (file image)

‘Two years ago, my brother, my nephew and my mother were in a car accident. My mother died instantly, my brother and nephew died the next day.

‘My family was small, me, my husband, my daughter, my parents, my brother, my wife and two nephews. His loss was devastating for my life and everyone’s, even worse for my father and sister-in-law.

‘A year ago, my daughter Betty, 25, was proposed to by her fiancé and preparations began.

‘During this process, they chose the date based on the day they met, seven years ago, and that day is exactly two years since the death of my brother and nephew.

‘I tried to talk to her about moving, because it is still a very difficult date for our family and even for me, but she insisted saying that the place had that date available and that it would be perfect, because all the other available dates are not so good and it wouldn’t be that important. “I respected her decision,” she explained.

Betty decided to go against her mother’s advice and sent her invitations anyway.

However, when his cousin, sister-in-law and grandfather received the invitations, they rejected them, calling the date “offensive.”

The mother added: ‘I decided to remain neutral. At some point I confirmed my presence and that of my husband.

‘Today my daughter called me unhappy that no one but us confirmed it (my husband has no family on his side) and his family part was empty and I expected everyone to come on that date, even more so after he explained the reason. I asked them the date, but they still refused.

The anonymous mother, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit to detail the latest argument between her and her 25-year-old daughter, Betty, who will soon marry her fiancé.

The anonymous mother, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit to detail the latest argument between her and her 25-year-old daughter, Betty, who will soon marry her fiancé.

The anonymous mother, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit to detail the latest argument between her and her 25-year-old daughter, Betty, who will soon marry her fiancé.

And although she tried to support her daughter, she also explained that her decisions had “consequences.”

She said: ‘She exploded at me saying that everyone was against her, that it wasn’t her fault that the dates coincided and that everyone could make an effort to go for a few hours for her, but they decided to just not go and I was basically telling them “I told you so.” “.

‘He hung up without me answering and we still haven’t spoken. My husband said he understands me, but he should have kept me out of it.’

At the end of the post, he questioned whether he was an ‘asshole.’

People on the web flooded the comments section and rushed to his defense.

One person said: ‘Not the jerk.’ I mean, you told her exactly why this would happen and she didn’t listen. I think she was more upset in front of you than with you, if that makes sense. She is venting.

“But it’s also a little thoughtless to think that everyone would swallow the pain of seeing her get married on a really painful anniversary.”

Someone else added: “She never put it that way.” If she had mentioned that she wanted those who were lost to be part of her day or something thoughtful, they may have responded.

‘Her position is that she met her boy that day seven years ago and told him that everyone else should let go of their pain. He’s learning the cost of being self-centered.’

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People on the web flooded the comments section and rushed to his defense.

People on the web flooded the comments section and rushed to his defense.

People on the web flooded the comments section and rushed to his defense.

‘Yeah. The daughter made the decision for her. She can choose the date she wants. “Her family chooses whether they go or not,” one person said.

Another user added: ‘She literally wants to celebrate her love and marry the love of her life on the day her family lost the love of their lives.

“I don’t understand how she doesn’t see how incredibly hurtful and insensitive that is and I’m even more surprised that she actually expected them to show up.”

‘Exactly, NTA at all. She was warned and decided to continue anyway. She was free to choose whatever date she wanted, but it was cruel to expect the family to show up to her big party and forget what date it was.

‘Did you really expect your cousin to forget about losing his dad, brother and grandma on this date a few years ago?’ That makes her a technical assistant.

Someone else said: ‘NTA. As someone who chose the date, it is practically her “fault” that the dates “coincided.”

Another person said: ‘NTA is her fault. She can change the date of her wedding; As much as everyone else would like to, they can’t change the date of her death.’

One user added: ‘NTA OMG that was incredibly insensitive of them. How could she? You are a saint for not saying no yourself.

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