Home Australia More than three-quarters of Gen Zers don’t want to work 9-5 forever and believe they could run their own business using just a PHONE.

More than three-quarters of Gen Zers don’t want to work 9-5 forever and believe they could run their own business using just a PHONE.

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Sam Jones, former Dragons Den star and founder of the web browser, said that Generation Z is the

More than three-quarters of Gen Z don’t want to work 9-to-5 for the rest of their lives, according to a new survey.

The survey of Generation Z (born between 1996 and 2012) found that 76% of young people plan to be their own boss in the future and do not want to work for someone else “forever.”

39% of young entrepreneurs also believed they could run a business from their phones and 45% said they could make a living from social media.

In comparison, only 57% of their older counterparts, millennials (born between 1980 and 1996), wanted to become self-employed.

However, for groups born even earlier, the number of those who wanted to be self-employed was much lower: 36% for Generation X and 25% for baby boomers.

Sam Jones, former Dragons Den star and founder of the web browser, said Gen Z is the “most entrepreneurial generation yet”

The Santander survey also found that Generation Z was the most self-confident: 77% believed that a future company would be successful.

Older generations admitted there were fewer opportunities to start a business when they were younger and 44% said they had been under pressure to follow a traditional educational and career path.

Sam Jones, former Dragons Den star and founder of web browser Gener8, told The Telegraph: ‘Generation Z is proving to be the most entrepreneurial generation yet…

“They have grown up immersed in the digital age, where information, tools and global connections are just a click away. They are uniquely positioned to outperform previous generations in turning ideas into reality.”

A new survey found that 76% of young people plan to be their own boss in the future (File photo)

A new survey found that 76% of young people plan to be their own boss in the future (File photo)

Judging an award for start-ups, Mike Regnier, chief executive of Santander UK, added: “It’s clear that digitally savvy Generation Z have a fantastic entrepreneurial spirit.

“But the qualities needed to succeed on your own are not limited by age. Entrepreneurship is vital to the growth of the UK economy.

‘We’re proud to support those just starting out through the X Awards, giving entrepreneurs of all ages the chance to win funding and support to take their business to the next level.’

(tags to translate)dailymail

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