Home US Montana parents who lost custody of their 14-year-old daughter to the state after refusing to allow her transition reveal how she obtained sex-change hormones in the Amazon

Montana parents who lost custody of their 14-year-old daughter to the state after refusing to allow her transition reveal how she obtained sex-change hormones in the Amazon

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Montana's parents, Krista and Todd Kolstad, lost custody of their 14-year-old daughter, Jennifer, who now identifies as Leo, after they obtained sex-change hormones through Amazon.

The parents of a Montana teenager lost custody of their daughter after they refused to allow her transition.

But Todd and Krista Kolstad’s teen had other ideas and managed to get sex-change hormones through Amazon after a friend helped her order them.

The 14-year-old girl, born Jennifer but now identified as Leo, sent the drugs to another 14-year-old girl’s house so her parents wouldn’t find out.

‘One of her friends was ordering her hormones from Amazon and shipping them to her house, not ours, and then giving them to our daughter, Jennifer. You don’t have to prove that you’re 18 or anything like that,” Krista Kolstad told the Post-millennial.

The purchased hormones were supposed to facilitate the transition from woman to man.

Montana's parents, Krista and Todd Kolstad, lost custody of their 14-year-old daughter, Jennifer, who now identifies as Leo, after they obtained sex-change hormones through Amazon.

Montana’s parents, Krista and Todd Kolstad, lost custody of their 14-year-old daughter, Jennifer, who now identifies as Leo, after they obtained sex-change hormones through Amazon.

‘They can be purchased on Amazon and it is not necessary to prove that you are 18 years old or anything like that. You can go in and buy them,” Krista explained.

The Kolstads, of Glasgow, Montana, lost custody of their daughter in January over their opposition to state and health measures aimed at making it easier to change their daughter’s sex without her consent.

“We were told that allowing Jennifer to transition and live as a child was her ‘therapeutic best interest’ and since we are not willing to follow that recommendation, the court gave CFS custody of Jennifer for six months,” Krista said. Reduxx.

Despite their legal battles, the couple have now been found guilty of contempt of court for speaking out against the state’s handling of the situation.

Her daughter was eventually taken into the custody of Child and Family Services, who have since decided to send her to live with her biological mother in Canada.

The couple lost custody of their son after opposing state and health measures that facilitated the change of their son's sex.

The couple lost custody of their son after opposing state and health measures that facilitated the change of their son's sex.

The couple lost custody of their son after opposing state and health measures that facilitated the change of their son’s sex.

The couple's daughter managed to acquire the hormones from a friend, who, despite being a minor, ordered them on Amazon without age verification.

The couple's daughter managed to acquire the hormones from a friend, who, despite being a minor, ordered them on Amazon without age verification.

The couple’s daughter managed to acquire the hormones from a friend, who, despite being a minor, ordered them on Amazon without age verification.

Despite facing possible arrest for discussing their case, the Kolstads remain determined to continue their fight and shed light on their situation.

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte called the situation “tragic,” however, upon further review by Lt. Governor Kristen Juras, it was concluded that the Montana Department of Health and Human Services and the court had “followed the politics and state law.

It was last August when Jennifer’s school called saying she had attempted suicide with toilet bowl cleaner and painkillers.

The teenager was taken to the hospital where toxicology reports revealed no abnormalities.

While there, the doctors referred to the teenager using male pronouns, because they must “do what the patient tells them.”

Notes taken at the hospital consistently mention that Jennifer identifies as a “male” and wished to be called “Leo.”

The local county made a statement last month about the couple's case.

The local county made a statement last month about the couple's case.

The local county made a statement last month about the couple’s case.

Krista said she and Todd made their objections known to hospital staff and requested that Jennifer be called by her birth name.

“We were very clear with the emergency room staff and with (CFS) that this goes against our values, morals and religious beliefs,” but the hospital staff refused to listen.

“They told me to call their lawyer if I have any problems, as they will do what the patient tells them.”

“I came in one day and she was talking about having top surgery and being nonbinary,” Krista said.

The doctor on duty then proceeded to dismiss his concerns. “He told me, ‘why aren’t you more worried that your daughter is trying to harm herself than what she (the assistant) is talking about?’

The teen was then talked to several times about “gender-affirming” care, including double mastectomy surgery that would give her a flat-chested appearance.

Ultimately, Jennifer was allowed to spend time at a treatment center for counseling.

She was later told she could go to the neighboring state of Wyoming, where minors can access “gender-affirming” care without parental consent.

That’s when Children and Family Services showed up with police and took her daughter from her care.

‘They called us and told us a bed had opened up in Wyoming and Jennifer needed to leave. (The Doctor) said ‘she has to go’. “She’s not doing any good here, and we were really impressed,” Krista recalled.

‘No one told us about the name of the facilities; We had no one to answer our questions. We told them we wanted answers to our questions before accepting the bed.

Minutes later, Children and Family Services arrived at Kolstad’s home with police.

“They showed up at our house to serve us the paperwork to remove Jennifer from our care,” Krista said. ‘I was told the reason was that ‘we were unable or refused to provide medical care.’ That’s simply not true.’

‘I feel like this was an error in judgment on the part of (CFS), a violation of HIPAA, and a miscarriage for Jennifer since she is only 14 years old. What if, when she is 17, this incident is behind her and she is in a good situation? place mentally? This is a very small town and they just let her be called the ‘crazy girl’ who tried to commit suicide,’ Krista asks.

In September, Jennifer returned to Montana and was housed in a Youth Dynamics group home for six to nine months.

In January, a judge ordered Krista and Todd to give custody to CFS, who explained that they would send their daughter to live with her biological mother, Christine, in Ontario, Canada.

“Our family has been destroyed by this. “We have little to no contact with Jennifer and our rights as parents have been trampled,” Krista said.

TO GiveSendGo The account was created by Todd’s brother to help raise funds for the family.

‘My brother and sister-in-law, who have been victims of forced trans ideology, government, and medical tyranny that resulted in the medical kidnapping of their 14-year-old son in Montana, facilitated by Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital in Glasgow, MT, along with Montana CPS,” the appeal reads.

‘They have been threatened, intimidated, mocked, attacked and are being stripped of custody because they did not consent to the transition of a 14-year-old boy in mental crisis. They need our help to cover mounting legal fees and expenses as they fight to get their daughter back in a system that has become corrupt and used as a weapon against families.’

The Kolstads’ case demonstrates the complex and contentious nature of the issues surrounding gender transitions for minors and the varying legal landscapes in different states.

Her story is the latest in what is a larger conversation surrounding the growing phenomenon of young people identifying as transgender or non-binary.

The rise in minors undergoing gender-related changes has ignited debates across the country about the ethics of such procedures for young people who may still be going through puberty.

Republican-led states have implemented laws opposing sex-change procedures for minors, while Democratic-led states have declared themselves “sanctuaries” for minors seeking sex changes, even without consent. parents.

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