Home US Moment the pilot abandons cockpit controls to rescue a father of two who was trapped in the bathroom stall on a Delta flight for 35 minutes when the door broke.

Moment the pilot abandons cockpit controls to rescue a father of two who was trapped in the bathroom stall on a Delta flight for 35 minutes when the door broke.

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Brent, a father of two, was trapped in the bathroom for 35 minutes before being freed during the flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans.
  • Father-of-two Brent was trapped in the bathroom for 35 minutes before being freed.
  • After the cabin crew and a random passenger failed, it was the pilot who intervened
  • The 34-year-old decided to share the experience after being denied a refund.



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The pilot had to free a father-of-two from a Delta Airlines bathroom after other cabin crew members failed to break down the door.

The 34-year-old, whose only name is Brent, took a break that lasted 35 minutes during his family’s flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans.

Brent’s dissatisfied partner shared the experience on his behalf with footage of the pilot trying to open the door after being denied a refund by the airline’s customer service.

She began to tell the story reddit by suggesting that her husband had deliberately taken an extended leave of responsibility for their four- and two-year-old children.

She wrote: ‘After 5 minutes I wondered what was going on. Was I using this time as a much-needed break from my children’s whiny demands and frequent tantrums? I didn’t blame him.

Brent, a father of two, was trapped in the bathroom for 35 minutes before being freed during the flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans.

Brent, a father of two, was trapped in the bathroom for 35 minutes before being freed during the flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans.

The pilot (pictured) had to intervene to save the day after flight attendants and a passenger failed to free the 34-year-old man.

The pilot (pictured) had to intervene to save the day after flight attendants and a passenger failed to free the 34-year-old man.

The pilot (pictured) had to intervene to save the day after flight attendants and a passenger failed to free the 34-year-old man.

The 34-year-old decided to share the experience after the family was denied a refund (file photo)

The 34-year-old decided to share the experience after the family was denied a refund (file photo)

The 34-year-old decided to share the experience after the family was denied a refund (file photo)

However, the mother who was out with her two children heard someone mention the word ‘stuck’ and soon realized it was in relation to her husband.

She turned to see two crew members pulling on the back cubicle door as she watched, unable to abandon her children.

The flight attendants requested the help of a passenger who also failed to provide the magic touch, before the pilot left, 20 minutes after the ordeal, to try.

“It wasn’t until Brent kicked the door while the pilot pulled as hard as possible that Brent finally escaped,” the post, written by “StuckDeltaBathroom,” revealed.

This completed a 35-minute experience, after which the writer was glad that her husband had not taken any of their children to the bathroom.

She concluded that Delta asked her not to share the footage, filmed by another passenger who was closer to the end of the plane, but after not receiving a refund for her ‘terrible’ trip, the mother decided to post it online.

Many commenters on the post pointed out that there are often two pilots on the flight, making the exit from the cockpit less strange than it might at first seem.

Others criticized the author for demanding a refund, suggesting the response was not proportionate to what actually happened.

The airline has been contacted for comment.

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