Home US Moment terrified boy, 9, screams and ducks as bullets fired during drive-by shooting miss him by inches while sitting on sofa of his Texas apartment

Moment terrified boy, 9, screams and ducks as bullets fired during drive-by shooting miss him by inches while sitting on sofa of his Texas apartment

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Horrifying video shows how a Texas boy was forced to take cover during a drive-by shooting outside his home on May 1. The nine-year-old boy came within inches of being hit as he sat in his Fort Worth home with his two dogs.

Terrifying video shows how a Texas boy was forced to take cover during a drive-by shooting outside his home.

The nine-year-old boy came within inches of being hit, sitting in his Fort Worth home with his two dogs.

At least four bullets enter the apartment, fired from the back seat of a red Kia Soul.

Surveillance footage shows the car speeding past the first-floor residence as young Errol Hill ducks for cover.

You can see the boy on the sofa directly in front of a window as bullets fly in, in an incident in which six other young people, including a small child, were injured. While police search for a suspect, the boy sat down for an interview with his mother.

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Horrifying video shows how a Texas boy was forced to take cover during a drive-by shooting outside his home on May 1. The nine-year-old boy came within inches of being hit as he sat in his Fort Worth home with his two dogs.

As police search for a suspect, the boy sat down to interview his mother and recalled the horrors of his ordeal. Six other youths, including a small child, were also injured while crowding around the home of Errol Hill and MaryJane Gonzales.

As police search for a suspect, the boy sat down to interview his mother and recalled the horrors of his ordeal. Six other youths, including a small child, were also injured while crowding around the home of Errol Hill and MaryJane Gonzales.

“It went through the wall,” Errol recalled. NBC Dallas-Fort Worth of the incident, which occurred on May 1.

“I thought it was just fireworks, but when I heard the screams, I looked outside.”

The boy’s mother, MaryJane Gonzales, added of her other two children’s response to the off-screen gunshots: “You could hear everyone screaming downstairs.”

“The screams were loud screams, not playful screams.”

He then recalled coming to the aid of six injured people outside his home, including a three-year-old boy who Texas City police said was the most “seriously” injured.

The boy, he told the NBC News affiliate, was fading in and out of consciousness.

‘It changed our lives forever. “We are traumatized,” she said, becoming emotional at times as she sat in the same living room where bullets had torn her apart just weeks before. “I’ve never seen anyone get shot, let alone a child.”

She said she’s ready a GoFundMe page to raise money for her and her family, so they can “move to a safe place” while police investigate the incident.

The boy is seen ducking for cover in the heartbreaking clip, which was shared this week as police continue to search for a suspect.

The boy is seen ducking for cover in the heartbreaking clip, which was shared this week as police continue to search for a suspect.

Here you can see the group of children hit by the volley of bullets, seconds before dispersing. None died, police said, without identifying the victims because of their age. They ranged in age from 3 to 19 years old.

Here you can see the group of children hit by the volley of bullets, seconds before dispersing. None died, police said, without identifying the victims because of their age. They ranged in age from 3 to 19 years old.

Seen here is the red Kia apparently responsible for the barrage of gunfire. At the time of writing, it is unclear what the shooter's (or shooters') goal was.

Seen here is the red Kia apparently responsible for the barrage of gunfire. At the time of writing, it is unclear what the shooter’s (or shooters’) goal was.

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“It went through the wall,” Errol recalled to NBC Dallas-Fort Worth of the incident. ‘I thought it was just fireworks, but when I heard the screams, I looked outside’

His two older brothers, seen left and right, were also home at the time of the shooting and were also not injured.

His two older brothers, seen left and right, were also home at the time of the shooting and were also not injured.

“The fear we felt that night still haunts us, especially our children, who are now afraid to stay in the place we have called home for four years,” the page states.

‘Despite contacting apartment management, they have taken no action to repair the bullet holes or address our safety concerns.

‘With full-time work and school commitments, we never imagined having to find a new home on such short notice, especially after signing a one-year lease.

‘We are asking for support from our community to help us move to a safer environment where our children can feel safe again.

“Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference in our lives,” the family wrote.

‘Your generosity will help us heal from this trauma and start again. Thank you for being with us during this difficult time.”

Meanwhile, clips taken from outside the family’s home show how an unsuspecting group of students gathered outside appeared to be targeted by the suspect (or suspects), seen scattering as bullets fly from the speeding Kia.

The girl, police said, turned out

His six-year-old brother (seen here) was also injured. The girl, police said, was injured

You can see the boy on the sofa directly in front of a window as bullets fly in, in an incident which saw six other young people, including a three-year-old boy (left) and his six-year-old brother (right) beaten

Both children are now recovering from their gunshot wounds, their parents (pictured) told Fox 4 last week.

Both children are now recovering from their gunshot wounds, their parents (pictured) told Fox 4 last week.

The injuries and identities of those affected have not yet been made public. Police are seen at the crime scene on May 1.

The injuries and identities of those affected have not yet been made public. Police are seen at the crime scene on May 1.

On Monday, Gonzales, a working medical assistant, recalled running outside to stop the young victims' bleeding, police said.

On Monday, Gonzales, a working medical assistant, recalled running outside to stop the young victims’ bleeding, police said.

On Monday, Gonzales, a practicing medical assistant, reca, whose ages ranged from 3 to 19, police said.

“That one was very difficult for me,” the mother of three said of the treatment of the unnamed three-year-old, who police said was the most seriously injured. “Watching her go in and out of consciousness,” she added. “I’ve never had to experience that.”

On Monday, Gonzales, a working medical assistant, recalled running outside to stop the bleeding of the multiple victims, who ranged in age from 3 to 19, police said.

“That was very difficult for me,” Gonzales said of the three-year-old boy, who police said was the most seriously injured.

“Seeing her go in and out of consciousness,” he added. ‘I’ve never had to experience that.

Close to being the seventh victim, Errol expressed guilt for escaping unscathed while others did not.

“I was glad I didn’t get hit, but I felt bad for the kids who were hit,” he said. “I felt terrified in those moments.”

The injuries and identities of those injured have not yet been released, but last week, FOX 4 interviewed the parents of two of the shooting victims.

The mother and father of the 3-year-old girl and her 6-year-old brother, the couple said they are both in stable condition, recovering from their gunshot wounds.

The Fort Worth Police Department has not announced any arrests or updates on its investigation, as Gonzales recalled on Monday that crime scene officers came to the same living room where she and her son were sitting days earlier. .

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“The crime scene people walked by and were looking for the fourth bullet,” Gonzales said, after at least four bullets entered the apartment.

Anyone with more information is urged to contact the department directly. The police investigation, as of Tuesday, remained ongoing.

Anyone with more information is urged to contact the department directly. The police investigation, as of Tuesday, remained ongoing.

“The crime scene people walked by and were looking for the fourth bullet,” Gonzales said, after at least four bullets were seen whizzing past her youngest son’s head.

“It could have been a lot worse than it was.”

Recalling the first time she saw the harrowing surveillance footage, she said: “I literally gasped when I saw it and my heart fell out of my stomach.”

Meanwhile, the red Kia that sped away after the shooting remains at large. Investigators have not yet identified any suspects.

DailyMail.com has contacted the Fort Worth Police Department. Anyone with more information is urged to contact the department directly.

The police investigation, as of Tuesday, remained ongoing.

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