A heartbreaking tragedy unfolded in King William County, Virginia, where a mother and her 4-year-old daughter lost their lives after their vehicle rolled into a pond. According to Virginia State PoliceThe incident occurred on Monday, January 6, around 1:20 pm on Etna Mills Road.
A 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe, driven by Kayeley Elizabeth Williams, 33, left the road and overturned into a pond. Authorities reported that both Williams and her daughter, Maddie, were found inside the submerged vehicle, still wearing their seat belts.
Maddie was properly restrained in a car seat. Tragically, both were pronounced dead at the scene. Leah Williams, Kayeley’s sister, spoke with WTVR about the inseparable bond between mother and daughter. “Maddie was such a free spirit, very open and wanted everyone to know she was there,” Leah said. “Truly one of a kind sent to us from heaven.”
Leah described the devastating loss and highlighted the unique light Maddie brought to her family. She also reflected on Kayeley’s loving and dedicated role as a mother, emphasizing the deep connection between them. The accident remains under investigation by police, who have not yet determined the exact cause.
The tragedy has served as a grim reminder of the risks posed by inclement weather and difficult road conditions. Virginia State Police They have urged drivers to remain vigilant, especially during inclement weather conditions. They highlight the importance of careful driving to avoid avoidable accidents.
The loss of Kayeley and Maddie has deeply affected their community, and family and friends mourn their untimely deaths. The two will be remembered for their close bond and the joy they brought to those around them.
As authorities continue to investigate, the community stands with the grieving family and offers condolences and support during this difficult time.