Home Entertainment MILF Manor: Barby García Gutiérrez Almeida breaks down in tears and threatens to leave after Chris walks away following loss to DILFs

MILF Manor: Barby García Gutiérrez Almeida breaks down in tears and threatens to leave after Chris walks away following loss to DILFs

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Barby García Gutiérrez Almeida broke down sobbing after MMA fighter Chris, 27, changed his feelings for her on Sunday's MILF Manor episode on TLC.

Barby Garcia Gutierrez Almeida broke down sobbing after Chris, 27, an MMA fighter, changed his feelings for her on Sunday’s MILF Manor episode on TLC.

“I should never have had sex with him,” said Barby, 45, a former stripper turned marketing executive. “I can’t stand it! I’m going home!”

Chris became upset during a home game between young and old when Barby said she would be fine with someone taking care of her after taking care of so many others. Although they talked about it, Chris was still upset later by her response.

Barby went to see Chris in his room and asked him what was going on and he told her he was tired.

“I felt disrespected by what you said and I’m not going to sit here and be disrespected like that,” Chris said. “I’m fine. I don’t need that for myself. So I’m going to get away from the situation.”

Barby Garcia Gutierrez Almeida broke down in tears after Chris, 27, an MMA fighter, changed his feelings about her on Sunday’s episode of MILF Manor on TLC.

“I think Chris is blowing this out of proportion,” Barby said in a confessional. “He’s willing to throw away everything we have and treat me like shit because he lost the challenge.”

‘So you’re just going to close like that?’ Barby said. ‘Well, I’m going home tonight like Lannette, too.’

Barby came out of her room crying.

“My heart is really hurting right now,” Barby said. “I’m realizing that I can’t invest my time and feelings into someone who is so dismissive.”

‘I can’t deal with this!’ Barby said sobbing.

“The fact that Chris is so dismissive makes me feel angry,” Barby said. “One minute you’re telling me you like me and the next minute you can’t look me in the face. It was very hurtful.”

Barby sobbed as she packed her bags.

“This is not my life,” Barby said. “That’s not how I deserve to be treated. He’s emotionally immature.”

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“I felt disrespected by what you said and I’m not going to sit here and be disrespected like that,” Chris said. ‘I’m fine. I don’t need that for myself. So I’m going to walk away from the situation.’

Barby spoke to Chris about his response to the house game and thanked them for their conversation.

Barby spoke to Chris about his response to the house game and appreciated his conversation.

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“My heart hurts so much right now,” Barby said. “I’m realizing that I can’t invest my time and feelings in someone who is so dismissive.”

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“It’s a very large proportion,” Barby said in a confessional. “He’s willing to throw away everything we have and treat me like shit just because he lost the challenge.”

When the second season episode titled Mean MILFs premiered, Barby was shocked to discover that 50-year-old Lannette West was gone.

“Rebecca was the one who caused all the fuss about Lannette leaving,” Barby said in a confessional. “I don’t play like that.”

Barby and Chris on the grass practiced some MMA moves together after she said last night they had a “beautiful date.”

Darren spoke to Anthony, 54, about Lannette’s departure.

“I went to bed at 12 a.m. and Joey ran into the room and said, ‘Daddy, daddy, daddy, Lannette’s gone, she’s gone,'” Anthony said.

Anthony said he told Lannette that he was hooking up with Rebecca, 48, a fitness model, and that he wished she had told him that it bothered her. Anthony said he wasn’t ready to commit to Lannette, but he wasn’t ready to let her go either.

“Rebecca is definitely the cause of all this,” said Kelle Mortensen, a 52-year-old real estate agent. “You don’t just walk into a house and start stealing men. She’s clearly a home-hopper.”

“I think we need to confront her,” said Crystal Jennings, 48.

Barby and Chris practiced some MMA moves together on the grass after she said the night before that they had a

Barby and Chris practiced some MMA moves together on the grass after she said the night before that they had a “beautiful date.”

The women brought her in to chat.

“It’s been like three guys in two days,” Crystal said.

“I thought we all came here to talk to everyone, to see what everyone is like,” Rebecca said. “Yeah, I kissed two guys.”

Chris, 27, told the other guys about his date with Barby and how he enjoyed talking to her.

“But then we came home and fucked each other, and it was amazing,” Chris said.

“Barby is beautiful and God, God knows she’s a bomb,” Chris said in a confessional. ‘She is bad! But I’m actually starting to fall in love with her too, inside of her and who she is as a person. She got me.’

Rebecca walked into the house and greeted Connor, 28, David’s nephew.

“I feel so bad for Rebecca. I feel like she has to sleep with one eye open because she doesn’t know Hurricane Kelle is coming soon,” Connor said in a confessional.

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“Barby is gorgeous and God, God knows she’s a bombshell,” Chris said in a confessional. ‘She’s badass! But I’m actually starting to fall in love with her on the inside too and who she is as a person. She got me.’

—Did you sleep with the door closed? — Connor asked.

“Yeah, mean girls chase me,” Rebecca said.

“Lannette knew we were dating and she was fine with it, just so you know,” Anthony said. “I feel bad because she is a beautiful person.”

“I feel bad,” Rebecca said. “I’m not normally a man stealer. Jealousy is pretty bad.”

A car pulled up in front of the house and out stepped two new boys, Rob and his nephew Fletcher.

“Now that Connor is dead to me, I’m definitely still available and ready to socialize,” Kelle said after seeing the new guys.

“Having more kids in the house hurts our ratio even more than it already is,” David said. “We have more boys than girls and I know someone is going to choose Christina.”

Crystal thought Rob was sexy. Fletcher, 30, immediately took Christina Best, 46, aside from her and asked her to tell him more about herself. Fletcher told him that he had never married and that he had been a Marine sergeant. He said he came back and started his own business.

“I’m dating David and Sam,” Christina said in a confessional. ‘Fletcher is cute. He has great eyes, but three people at the same time seems a little strange to me.’

Rob, 59, said in a confessional that he had taken his physique very seriously all his life. He said he has competed in bodybuilding competitions and usually dates younger girls because they stay fitter, but that he was attracted to Kelle.

Rob, 59, said in a confessional that he had taken his physique seriously his entire life.

Rob, 59, said in a confessional that he had taken his physique seriously all his life.

Later, Rob pulled Crystal aside to talk. He told her that he had been divorced since 2018 and had two daughters. He said that he initially found it difficult to get back into dating. Stacy watched them as they talked.

“Crystal has made it very clear that she’s mad at me for asking Shauna out,” Stacy, 54, a medical transport worker, said in a confessional. “And to see her move on to the next person or whatever, I don’t want that. So before this all gets rushed, I’d like to talk to her alone.”

Stacy sat down with Crystal to talk and she admitted that she was hurt by his actions. She told him that he doesn’t show her any affection either. Stacy told him that it took her three years to commit to his ex-wife.

“If I decide to move in that direction, it will require patience, understanding and communication,” Stacy said.

Crystal said she didn’t want something overnight and that her feelings hadn’t changed.

“Stacy and I are making progress,” Crystal said in a confessional. “Today was a big step.”

The group then received a text message and went out to play a game of old versus young. The first question was what the best sex position the women wanted. The young men said missionary and the older men were more graphic.

The group then received a text message and went out to play a game of old versus young.

The group then received a text message and went out to play an old vs. young game.

The first question was what was the best sexual position that women wanted.

The first question was what was the best sexual position that women wanted.

The women evaluated the responses between the groups.

The women evaluated the responses between the groups.

The second question was how many times a week they would want to have sex. The older men answered 21, three times a day, and the sons wrote “as much as she needs.” The women liked the children’s response more.

One question was what was the best way to turn a woman on. The children said calmly.

“When you’re broke,” Darren said.

The dads wrote “do all the chores and send her shopping” and the women loved that response. The DILFS won the game and the young men, as the losing team, had to clean the house.

Chris told Barby that he was upset because she said she wanted someone to take her shopping.

“I’m not sure Chris is financially stable yet, but he’s showing me a really mature side,” Barby said in a confessional. “I appreciate the openness and the communication that we have because I’ve almost never had that with anyone, with these guys that make money.”

Barby and Chris hugged and kissed.

David, 41, and Christina played a game of golf. David said the loser of the game would make the other guy breakfast and give him a kiss. David said in a confessional that he appreciated Christina wanting to take things slow.

Barby and Chris hugged and kissed each other before hurting each other's feelings.

Barby and Chris hugged and kissed before hurting each other’s feelings.

“It’s almost like we’re in sync,” David said.

Christina lost but was happy to receive a kiss from David.

“You still have to make me breakfast,” David said.

Chris was still upset because he thought Barby wanted to have someone who would just give her a credit card. He decided that maybe she wanted to take it slower and he didn’t think things would work out with them.

“I think the more I let someone in, the more I’m going to hurt myself,” Chris said in a confessional. “I may be a fighter, but some things aren’t worth fighting for.”

MILF Manor will return next week to TLC.

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