Home US Meteorologist Steve Raleigh learns what happened to his son after a crazy video showed his son in a violent confrontation in a parking lot with an elderly couple

Meteorologist Steve Raleigh learns what happened to his son after a crazy video showed his son in a violent confrontation in a parking lot with an elderly couple

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WCPO TV meteorologist Steve Raleigh will not face charges after a crazy video captured his son in a violent parking lot confrontation with an elderly couple.

Meteorologist Steve Raleigh will not face charges after a crazy video captured his son in a violent parking lot confrontation with an elderly couple.

Prosecutors determined Monday that the veteran Ohio weatherman did not break the law during the road rage incident in the parking lot of the Montgomery Inn Boathouse on June 22 in Cincinnati.

Raleigh, a WCPO TV forecaster, was with his sons Kyle and Carter when his Cadillac Escalade crashed into a Ford F-150 after failing to yield to oncoming traffic.

Moments later, the driver of the Ford, Douglas Morrow, 79, was on the ground next to his wife Lois, 76, who suffered a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain and a detached retina.

Pressure quickly mounted on the Cincinnati Police Department to explain why there have been no arrests since the incident, but now, Clermont County Prosecutor Mark Tekulve says Raleigh has been cleared of the investigation.

WCPO TV meteorologist Steve Raleigh will not face charges after a crazy video captured his son in a violent parking lot confrontation with an elderly couple.

Prosecutors determined that the veteran Ohio weatherman (far left) did not break the law during the road rage incident in the parking lot of the Montgomery Inn Boathouse on June 22 in Cincinnati.

Prosecutors determined that the veteran Ohio weatherman (far left) did not break the law during the road rage incident in the parking lot of the Montgomery Inn Boathouse on June 22 in Cincinnati.

“During the course of this investigation, it has been determined that no criminal charges are appropriate against Mr. Steve Raleigh as there is no evidence that he violated any criminal laws. Accordingly, as far as Mr. Steve Raleigh is concerned, this investigation is closed,” Tekulve said.

Prosecutors are expected to present evidence to the Hamilton County Grand Jury regarding the other people involved in the violent incident, Tekulve said.

The Cadillac involved in the confrontation is owned by the weatherman’s father-in-law, former Hamilton County sheriff and attorney Simon L Leis, Jr.

Carter, 28, is believed to have been driving his grandfather’s car when he crashed into the Morrows’ car that day.

The elderly couple’s daughter Stacey previously said the famous family became furious when her father decided to call police because he smelled alcohol and suspected they had been drinking.

“They were locally famous people and in my opinion they believe they are above the law,” wrote Stacey, who posted a video of the incident online.

The driver of the Ford, Douglas Morrow, 79, was on the ground next to his wife Lois, 76, who suffered a skull fracture, bleeding on the brain and a detached retina. (pictured: the Morrow couple)

The driver of the Ford, Douglas Morrow, 79, was on the ground next to his wife Lois, 76, who suffered a skull fracture, bleeding on the brain and a detached retina. (pictured: the Morrow couple)

“I’m 100 percent sure that one more hit would have killed her,” she said, referring to her mother Lois.

Red Sox legend Kevin Youkilis was seen intervening during the game.

Grainy footage showed a woman repeatedly shouting “Stop!” before Raleigh, dressed in a red Hawaiian shirt, pushed someone.

“Please, someone call 911,” the woman pleaded as the camera panned to the 79-year-old man, lying prostrate and clutching his head.

His unconscious wife appeared on the scene and a male voice was heard shouting, “That’s fucking ridiculous.”

A man believed to be Raleigh was then seen standing over the pensioner on the ground before telling him: “Kevin, listen to me, f*** that, f*** that.”

Youkilis leaned over Lois to check on her and another voice was heard shouting, “Dude, really? He ran over a fucking woman. He’s bleeding.”

“You’re a disgrace to that damn Red Sox brand,” someone shouted.

“Go back to Boston.”

In her Facebook post, Stacey said her mother “took the brunt of the injuries” during the fight.

‘That night, my mother suffered the brunt of the injuries. She was admitted to the UC hospital for a few days and is still receiving treatment.

‘He was knocked unconscious and suffered a concussion, skull fracture, brain bleeding, bruising on the back of his head which was stapled shut and the lens that had been placed in his eye was dislodged and needs to be replaced. He had many cuts and bruises on his arms and legs.

In the video, Raleigh is seen arguing with Youkilis, urging him to

In the video, Raleigh is seen arguing with Youkilis, urging him to “fuck that” as Lois lay on the ground.

Lois was left unconscious with a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain and a detached retina after the incident.

Lois was left unconscious with a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain and a detached retina after the incident.

‘My father also suffered a concussion and was knocked unconscious. I’m not going to say who was responsible until he is arrested and charged because I don’t want to jeopardize the case.

“I just want all the witnesses to come forward and all the videos that were recorded to be released, because there were a lot of witnesses,” she said.

Youkilis later took to Facebook to deny rumors that he had been with the Raleighs that night after being recognized in the footage, insisting that he simply happened upon the incident while in town to stream a Red Sox-Reds game.

“Unfortunately, I arrived a little late and saw a horrible chain of events unfold,” he explained.

‘My intentions after what I witnessed were to help the two people on the ground and protect anyone else from getting hurt.

“I got a little angry after what I saw and used some colorful language in the video.”

In a Facebook update, Stacy thanked Youkilis for his intervention on behalf of her parents.

“There were at least 50 people in the place when this happened because it was closing time for the restaurant,” she wrote. “Only one, Kevin Youkilis, saved my mother and stopped this attack.

“He was definitely her guardian angel that night. I also believe he was there with them, but he was willing to fight for her!”

Raleigh was confronted in the video by Red Sox legend Kevin Youkilis (in blue), who had been dining at the same restaurant before the car crash that led to the incident.

Raleigh was confronted in the video by Red Sox legend Kevin Youkilis (in blue), who had been dining at the same restaurant before the car crash that led to the incident.

Douglas and Lois were treated for their injuries at UC Hospital, according to their daughter.

Douglas and Lois were treated for their injuries at UC Hospital, according to their daughter.

The Morrows said Raleigh tried to convince them not to call police, but when they said they would, one of their sons attacked their son Troy, the couple said. Business Research and Development Center (CIRCE).

‘Seconds later I hear from a distance: ‘Nobody’s going to hit my dad!’ I look over to this side (left), someone coming from this side (right) hits me in the side of the head; I stagger back; he lunges at me; he was on my throat with both hands choking me,’ Troy said at a news conference shortly after the incident.

The couple said they then tried to pull Raleigh’s son off of them and that’s when they were thrown to the pavement.

On July 12, WCPO Vice President and General Manager Jeff Brogan said the station was “aware of the incident involving Steve Raleigh’s family.”

“Steve shared his version of the incident with our leaders. His account is consistent with the police report, which does not name him, and with what we have reviewed on video,” he added. A statement.

“The video does not show the incident from start to finish. We will closely follow the official results.”

Raleigh, pictured with his wife Julie Leis and sons Kyle (left) and Carter (right)

Raleigh, pictured with his wife Julie Leis and sons Kyle (left) and Carter (right)

After it was announced that Raleigh would not face charges, he said he “appreciates the validation.”

“I appreciate the validation of my participation. I would like to thank my family, friends, colleagues and spectators for their patience and support. I look forward to returning to work soon,” he said.

Following the incident, Raleigh deleted his social media and disappeared from view, but WCPO said he will soon return to his role as chief meteorologist.

An attorney for the Morrow family said: “We never suspected Steve Raleigh of wrongdoing. Steve acted with poor judgment and may have committed civil wrongs, but not crimes.”

Stacey said fox 19 She is not happy with the decision not to charge Raleigh and hopes her son faces consequences.

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