Home US Megyn Kelly lashes out at the sports columnist who praised the women’s basketball coach as a “national treasure” for supporting transgender athletes competing in women’s games.

Megyn Kelly lashes out at the sports columnist who praised the women’s basketball coach as a “national treasure” for supporting transgender athletes competing in women’s games.

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Megyn Kelly slammed USA Today sports columnist Nancy Armour, telling her that

Megyn Kelly slammed USA Today sports columnist Nancy Armour, telling her to “shut up” for expressing support for transgender women in sports.

On the latest episode of The Megyn Kelly Show, the podcaster condemned Armor for his stance on transgender athletes competing in women’s sports.

“There’s a sports columnist at USA Today, Nancy Armour,” Kelly said, calling her a “repeat violator of women’s rights.”

“You are a damn national disgrace, ma’am, because you have a pen on a very large newspaper, which is shrinking every day, and you too could defend women, but you are too cowardly to do so,” Kelly said.

Armor recently praised South Carolina Gamecocks head coach Dawn Staley as a “national treasure” after she controversially claimed that transgender athletes “should be able to play” in women’s basketball.

Megyn Kelly lashes out at the sports columnist who praised

Megyn Kelly slammed USA Today sports columnist Nancy Armour, telling her to “shut up” for expressing support for transgender women in sports.

On the latest episode of The Megyn Kelly Show, the podcast host condemned Armor (pictured) for his stance on transgender athletes competing in women's sports.

On the latest episode of The Megyn Kelly Show, the podcast host condemned Armor (pictured) for his stance on transgender athletes competing in women's sports.

On the latest episode of The Megyn Kelly Show, the podcast host condemned Armor (pictured) for his stance on transgender athletes competing in women’s sports.

Speaking a day after her women’s basketball team beat NC State in the March Madness Final Four, advancing to the national championship game against Iowa, Staley said anyone who considers themselves a woman should be free to play.

“I’m of the opinion that if you’re a woman, you should play,” Staley said during the news conference.

“If you consider yourself a woman and want to play sports, or vice versa, you should be able to play,” she added.

On The Megyn Kelly Show broadcast Monday, Kelly played the clip of the conference before calling Staley, 53, a “complete turnout for women.”

‘Staley is considered a legend in women’s football. She rose to a position of power. She received all the praise and awards from her,” Kelly said, stating that Staley’s statement was “unbelievable.”

‘She got all this praise and money. And when she has the opportunity to do something for the women who come after her, she climbs the ladder and claims to play against the men. That’s what she just did there.

The host then directed her criticism toward Armor, who tweeted after the game and praised Staley as “a damn national treasure.”

Armor’s X post says: ‘Dawn Staley is a national treasure. The usual suspect asks him about transgender athletes.

‘It says transgender women should be allowed to play. She then attacks the guy by telling him that he knows this will create a firestorm before the biggest game, “and I’m okay with that,” the post continues.

Responding to Armour, Kelly said: ‘You’re not a mother. You don’t have to worry about your daughter having to face a six-foot-four man on the basketball court like I do. So I don’t want to know anything about you.

Megyn Kelly lashes out at the sports columnist who praised

Megyn Kelly lashes out at the sports columnist who praised

South Carolina coach Dawn Staley said transgender athletes “should be able to play” a day after her women’s basketball team beat NC State in the March Madness Final Four.

Kelly then read Armor’s profile bio on X, which describes herself as “aunt to the three best guys of all time.”

“She doesn’t even have any nieces,” Kelly said, before

“I don’t have all the answers, but I’m always looking for more,” Kelly continued, reading from Armor’s profile page.

—I have one for you, Nancy. Shut your mouth until you know what you’re talking about, because male basketball players pretending to be girls hurt girls.

‘I’m taking you to Massachusetts, where Lowell was playing in a game, Lowell’s school was playing in a game, and they had to cancel it halfway through because three players got hurt.

Kelly then played the viral clip of Collegiate Charter School of Lowell’s Feb. 8 basketball game against KIPP Academy Lynn when a biological male player injured several women on the opposing team.

‘Look at this girl in the black shirt fall. That’s a man pretending to be a girl and took the ball from her. Look at her,” Kelly said furiously.

‘Look at this, Nancy, Dawn! You two look at this! She watches her writhe in pain after a boy pretending to be a girl hurts her.

A Massachusetts high school girls' basketball team was forced to abandon its game after a transgender player on the opposing team injured three players in February.

A Massachusetts high school girls' basketball team was forced to abandon its game after a transgender player on the opposing team injured three players in February.

A Massachusetts high school girls’ basketball team was forced to abandon its game after a transgender player on the opposing team injured three players in February.

Kelly’s outrage comes as rules regarding transgender athletes have become a contentious issue in recent years, spilling over into politics and even the judicial system.

In January 2022, the NCAA changed its policy to allow the rules for each sport to be determined by a national governing body, an international federation or the 2015 Olympic standard.

That change came around the same time transgender athlete Lia Thomas began competing in women’s swimming, even winning a national championship while at the University of Pennsylvania.

In basketball, the NCAA currently deviates from the 2015 Olympic guidance regarding the allowable threshold of testosterone (less than 10 nanomoles per liter). Currently, there are no known transgender women competing in Division I basketball.

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