Home Life Style Meghan Markle’s revelations in interview with Oprah resurface in viral TikTok video: ‘They silenced me’

Meghan Markle’s revelations in interview with Oprah resurface in viral TikTok video: ‘They silenced me’

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s 2020 interview with Oprah Winfrey, which caused a stir around the world, has once again captured attention through a viral TikTok video. In the clip, the Duchess of Sussex speaks candidly about her struggles within the royal family and reveals shocking details about the treatment she received and the lack of support.

Markle recounted how palace officials allegedly failed to intervene amid negative media scrutiny, leaving her feeling isolated and unprotected. This has reignited discussions about the royal couple’s tumultuous exit from their leading roles, according to Mirror.

In the viral clip, Winfrey asked: “Were you silent or silenced?” Markle responded: “The latter.” Afterwards, Winfrey asked: “So how does that work? Did the communications people or the (I don’t know) institution tell you to keep quiet? Did they tell you not to say anything? Markle clarified: “Everyone in my world was given a very clear directive from the moment the world knew Harry and I were dating, to always say ‘No comment.'”

The TikTok video showed Markle speaking about the lack of support she received as her mental health worsened in the face of increasing media scrutiny. She revealed: “It was all happening just because I was breathing. I went to the institution and said I needed to go somewhere to get help. I said, ‘I’ve never felt like this before and I need to go somewhere.’”

And they told me I couldn’t, that it wouldn’t be good for the institution.” Markle also claimed that the Palace refused to help her with negative stories in the press. She said: “I did everything they told me… I did it because it was also through the lens of ‘And we will protect you.’”

One incident that stands out is the infamous “Straight Outta Compton” headline from a British tabloid, which blatantly referenced his African-American heritage in a derogatory manner. She felt isolated, unable to escape the racially charged narratives promoted by the tabloids. Additionally, she was often portrayed in a completely different way compared to her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton.

While Kate was frequently depicted as the epitome of grace and class, Markle was subjected to a barrage of criticism that often had racial undertones. This relentless scrutiny and skewed portrayal exacerbated her feelings of isolation and distress. Prince Harry admitted, “No one in my family said anything during those three years,” according to cnn.

The allegations made in the interview with Winfrey affected Harry’s relationship with the royal family. However, experts maintain that the exiled prince is now willing to make peace with his family, believing that a sincere apology could reconcile their strained relationship. Still, close sources suggest that his efforts may not yield the desired results.

“He is consumed by the idea that he can settle this dispute by throwing himself at the feet of his family,” the source revealed. “But even if he offers a sincere apology, that does not guarantee forgiveness. Camilla’s protective attitude towards Charles means Harry may not even have a private moment with his father, and William’s stance is expected to remain cool. His direct approach risks further alienation.”

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