Meghan Markle is reportedly changing her public image with a new approach, distancing herself from her royal connections. Speculation about this move intensified after the release of a trailer for her latest Netflix project, with insiders suggesting Meghan is looking to redefine herself as a household name, on par with A-list stars like Adele and Oprah.
Brand and culture expert Nick Ede spoke with the sun about Meghan’s new direction, explaining that her show indicates her desire to raise her profile. “Very few stars have achieved this level of fame,” Ede said. “Meghan could potentially be one of them.”
According to Ede, Meghan’s goal appears to be to carve out a niche for herself in the lifestyle space, rather than being defined solely as a former member of the royal family. “You want to define your space in the lifestyle area.” he explained. “This could be a very positive step for the Duchess.”
Ede went on to explain how this rebrand could boost Meghan’s career, saying: “It will be a brilliant way to build her brand identity and she could become the new Martha Stewart with the heavyweight of Netflix behind her.”
Meghan’s new project, which is expected to focus on her passion for food and cooking, could open new doors for her as she continues to step away from her royalties. “It’s going to reveal to the world what Meghan loves,” Ede added. “It shows that Meghan had a passion for food and cooking.”
With the backing of Netflix, Meghan is ready to introduce a new chapter in her life that aligns more with her personal passions and ambitions than her royal past. Many see this change as a strategic move to ensure her identity and career flourish regardless of her previous royal duties.