Home Life Style Meghan Markle Becomes a Remorseless Poison Agent by Royal Author

Meghan Markle Becomes a Remorseless Poison Agent by Royal Author

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 Meghan Markle’s becoming an agent of poison with no remorse by Royal Author

Meghan Markle is facing criticism once again, this time for her perceived fiery attitude and lack of remorse. Royal author Tom Bower, along with Sun royal editor Matt Wilkinson, made these accusations in the Royal Exclusive Show.

Bower accused the Duchess of Sussex of being an “agent of poison,” claiming she is adept at destroying relationships for her own benefit. “Meghan is an agent of poison, she is capable of destroying relationships and when she cultivates them it is always for her own good, her own purpose,” he told Sun.

He also issued a stark warning: “She is not really someone who has a generosity of spirit and it is really one of the great sadnesses of this saga that Meghan has destroyed the relationship between Harry and his family, just as she has destroyed the relationship not only with his father but also with his half-sister.”

For those who don’t know, Meghan Markle has been estranged from her father’s family since her wedding to Prince Harry. Thomas Markle was initially invited to walk her down the aisle, but he backed out citing health issues. The situation got worse when he was caught posing for the paparazzi before the wedding.

Thomas Markle has since apologized and publicly criticized his daughter for her treatment of her father-in-law, saying she treated him “very badly.”

Bower’s comments have added fuel to the fire of scrutiny surrounding Meghan and her relationships, both within the royal family and within her own family. As the public and media continue to scrutinize her actions and motives, these latest allegations contribute to the complex narrative surrounding the Duchess of Sussex.

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