Home Life Style Meghan Markle and Prince Harry return to old habits

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry return to old habits

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 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry reverting back to old ways, Royal experts

Royal experts express concern that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could create revelations about the royal family again if their contract with Netflix is ​​terminated. This possibility was detailed by royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams in a discussion with Mirrorwhere he described the couple’s behavior as “unpredictable” and “ruthlessly ambitious.”

Fitzwilliams explained the possible implications of the Sussexes’ deals with the streaming giant falling through. He suggested that their history of taking bold and often unforeseen actions could lead them to once again reveal inside details about the royal family, should their current media projects underperform or end.

According Mr. Fitzwilliams, “They are working on new shows for Netflix and Meghan has launched her lifestyle blog, American Riviera Orchard.” “They’ve lost Spotify, interestingly Lemonade Media, which Meghan has joined, reportedly intends to freeze her podcasts until next year.” At the same time, “nothing has emerged from the rumors about Meghan and any political ambitions she may have.”

“Yet since his $100 million deal with Netflix began, they’ve done almost nothing for him.” To make matters worse, “next year ends and Netflix no longer produces The Crown series, like before.” “Therefore, they may have less interest in the Sussexes. If they were to lose this contract, given that Archewell, her company, and his charitable foundation have so few donors, they could well find themselves in financial trouble.”

With all that in mind, “Given that their royal-life revelations have made megabucks” and “little else has made money, the Royal Family better hope this unpredictable and ruthlessly ambitious couple stays on Netflix,” he also added before to close the session. .

“His unpredictable nature, combined with ruthless ambition, raises concerns that another revelation could be on the horizon,” Fitzwilliams said. He emphasized that this pattern of behavior makes it difficult to predict the couple’s next moves, especially in the context of their past interactions with the media and the royal family.

The Sussexes have made headlines before with their candid revelations about royal life, most notably in their explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021. The interview, which was broadcast globally, included several accusations against the royal family, increasing significantly the public and media scrutiny of both. the monarchy and Harry and Meghan themselves.

Given this history, the expert’s concerns underscore the delicate balance the Sussexes must navigate between their new roles in the global media landscape and their ties to the British royal family. With their financial and creative independence tied to deals like Netflix, the stakes are high for the couple to maintain a steady stream of successful projects.

Fitzwilliams’ comments reflect wider anxieties about the possible consequences of the Sussexes’ media commitments not only for the couple but also for the royal family’s public image. As the couple continues to carve out their post-royal life in the public eye, the international community remains attentive to how their decisions will shape their relationships and reputation for years to come.

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