Home US Media meltdown as CNN’s Van Jones CRIES on air and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow shares her utter disbelief after Biden resigns

Media meltdown as CNN’s Van Jones CRIES on air and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow shares her utter disbelief after Biden resigns

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Rachel Maddow gave viewers a speech full of hype about how Biden's decision to avoid the election is not what he really wanted.
  • READ MORE: Follow our live coverage after Biden resigned

Liberal media was in turmoil on Sunday afternoon following the historic news that Democrat Joe Biden had dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.

CNN’s Van Jones broke down in tears on air while discussing Biden’s decision to drop out of the race and cede the Democratic nomination to Kamala Harris.

Meanwhile, on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow gave viewers a bombastic speech about how Biden’s decision to avoid the election is not what he would have really wanted, but rather something he has done for the good of the country.

On Sunday he said: “I don’t see in his personality any possibility that this decision would be made today. It is the opposite of what is natural or easy for him.”

“He’s not cut out to do something like that. The decision he made today is to give the country a reasonable chance to not put Donald Trump back in the White House.”

Rachel Maddow gave viewers a speech full of hype about how Biden’s decision to avoid the election is not what he really wanted.

CNN's Van Jones broke down in tears live on air while discussing Biden's decision to drop out of the race and cede the Democratic nomination to Kamala Harris.

CNN’s Van Jones broke down in tears live on air while discussing Biden’s decision to drop out of the race and cede the Democratic nomination to Kamala Harris.

Viewers were stunned to see Jones’ tears on TV. One person tweeted: “Van Jones is crying on CNN over what Biden selflessly did for his country.”

Another wrote: “Van Jones crying on CNN is pathetic. Grow up man.” While a third added: “Van Jones crying on CNN again. Get this guy OUT OF HERE.”

Last month, MSNBC host Maddow said she fears Trump will put her in an internment camp if he is re-elected next season.

In an interview with CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcey, Maddow was asked about her concerns about being personally victimized by the Trump administration if he wins the 2024 presidential election.

“Trump and his allies are openly talking about using the government as a weapon to exact revenge on their critics in the media and in politics, and some of his extremist allies are even talking about jailing fellow Americans,” Darcy said. “You’re one of his most prominent critics on television. Are you worried that you might be targeted?”

Maddow responded: “I worry about the country as a whole if we put in power someone who openly admits that he plans to build camps to house millions of people and ‘eradicate’ what he describes in inhumane terms as his ‘internal enemy.'”

“Again, history is a big help here. He’s not joking when he says these things, and we’ve seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda.”

‘I think there’s a bit of complacency in pretending that Trump only intends to attack individual people he’s already singled out. Does he really think he plans to stop at known liberals?’

‘It also seems pretty clear that some people in politics might think they’ll be on the safe side, that they might even benefit, by siding with Trump. Just ask Mike Pence how that works out in the end.

‘When Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to deploy the US military against civilians on his first day in office, do you think he then rescinds the order on day two?

She continued: “By the way, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are just for immigrants? So, yes, I’m worried about myself, but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.”

Biden, pictured on July 11, 2024, before withdrawing from the 2024 White House race.

Biden, pictured on July 11, 2024, before withdrawing from the 2024 White House race.

President Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday, setting off an unprecedented chain of events that has Democrats racing to have a top candidate for the ticket less than four months before Election Day.

The Democratic National Convention is set to begin August 19-22 in Chicago, where Biden was scheduled to formally accept the nomination after receiving 3,896 delegates during the primaries.

More than 4,600 delegates and thousands of other party officials will now head to the city without Biden as a potential Democratic nominee.

The president made the announcement in a letter to his fellow Americans where he wrote that it has been the greatest honor of his life to serve as president and at the same time expressed his support for Vice President Kamala Harris.

“While it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country that I step down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term,” he wrote.

His announcement came just weeks after the president’s disastrous debate performance raised questions about whether he was fit for a second term.

Some Democratic lawmakers publicly called for him to drop out of the race, while others kept their views private.

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