Home Entertainment Mark Wahlberg poses as a pilot with sinister motives in the trailer for Flight Watch with Michelle Dockery and Topher Grace directed by Mel Gibson

Mark Wahlberg poses as a pilot with sinister motives in the trailer for Flight Watch with Michelle Dockery and Topher Grace directed by Mel Gibson

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Mark Wahlberg plays the pilot of a single-propeller plane who is not who he seems in the first trailer for Flight Watch.

Mark Wahlberg plays the pilot of a single-propeller plane who is not who he seems in the first trailer for Flight Watch.

Wahlberg, 53, plays a pilot hired to fly with U.S. Marshal Harris (Michelle Dockery) and a witness (Topher Grace) appointed to testify against the Moretti crime family.

What neither the sheriff nor the witness realize at first is that the pilot is not who he says he is and is eventually revealed to be a hitman for the Moretti family.

Lionsgate announced in May that the film, directed by Mel Gibson, had an Oct. 18 release date, comparing it to Paramount’s Smile 2 and Searchlight Pictures’ A Real Pain with Kieran Culkin and Jesse Eisenberg.

The trailer begins with the pilot saying, “Steward Harris, I hope you enjoy flying, it’s a beautiful day for it,” as he is seen flipping various switches in the cockpit.

Mark Wahlberg plays the pilot of a single-propeller plane who is not who he seems in the first trailer for Flight Watch.

Wahlberg, 53, plays a pilot hired to fly a plane for U.S. Marshal Harris (Michelle Dockery, above) and a witness (Topher Grace) assigned to testify against the Moretti crime family.

Wahlberg, 53, plays a pilot hired to fly a Marshal Harris (Michelle Dockery, above) and a witness (Topher Grace) scheduled to testify against the Moretti crime family.

“I’ve never flown with a US marshal before. Why is he chained?” the pilot asks, as Harris responds, “I have to get him to New York so he can testify against the Moretti crime family.”

They show photos of the witness in a suit chatting with senior members of the mafia family, while the pilot says: “Okay, hey, you’re the boss.”

The single-propeller plane takes off, flying over some snow-covered mountains, when it experiences a bit of turbulence.

‘Are there always so many potholes?’ Harris asks, as the pilot jokes: ‘You know, with the number of passengers who lost their lunch here, I might as well open a cafeteria.’

Harris notices a scratch on the pilot’s neck, asks if he’s okay, and ignores him, saying, “Oh, maintenance.” Occupational hazard.’

However, he turns around and she notices a small bullet-sized blood stain on his long-sleeved shirt… while the witness sees the pilot’s license of a man named Daryl Booth… with the photo on it. does not match the pilot.

Harris attempts to point her gun at the pilot, but the pilot stops her as a struggle ensues and pulls out a knife.

‘Mister. “Moretti is very disappointed in you, Winston, and he wants you dead,” the pilot says, as Harris pulls out a stun gun and shocks the pilot with it, while taking off his baseball cap revealing his bald head.

Harris notices a scratch on the pilot's neck and asks if he is okay. He ignores him saying:

Harris notices a scratch on the pilot’s neck and asks if he is okay. He ignores it, saying, “Oh, maintenance. Occupational hazard.”

1719550629 974 Mark Wahlberg poses as a pilot with sinister motives in

‘Mr. Moretti is very disappointed in you, Winston, and wants you dead,’ the pilot says, as Harris pulls out a stun gun and shocks the pilot with it, removing his baseball cap to reveal his bald head.

Harris launches a distress call in which he says:

Harris sends out a distress call, saying: “We’ve been attacked. The pilot is a hitman.”

1719550630 682 Mark Wahlberg poses as a pilot with sinister motives in

“You’re clearly confusing me with someone who actually gives a shit,” the pilot says, as he sees a military jet flanking his plane.

Harris finally manages to overpower the pilot and ties him up, pointing his gun at him as witness Winston says, “Don’t shoot him! We need him!”

Harris sends out a distress signal saying: “We have been attacked. The pilot is a hitman.”

The pilot/hitman says, “I’m going to tear you apart, into tiny little pieces,” as a knife falls on him and stabs Winston in the shoulder.

“They will need a whole forensic team to identify you,” the hitman continues as they show a fight that occurred with a fire extinguisher.

Harris tells the pilot, “Tell me how to fly this thing. Or we’re all going to die here,” but the pilot doesn’t mind.

“You’re clearly confusing me with someone who really gives a shit,” the pilot says, as he sees a military jet flanking his plane.

“You think he’s here to help? He’s there to take you down,” the pilot says as a series of dramatic shots with quick cuts are shown.

One such shot shows the plane plummeting as Winston tells Harris to stop, which she does, and we see the plane emerge from the snow.

“Do you need a pilot?” the pilot says in his fake southern accent while tied up, as the trailer comes to an end.

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